Thanks destiny you have officially ruined my life.There should be a support group for this game its like crack or heroin! I just need one more hit.The first hits free but now its 25 dollars to carry on playing..ok lets carry on.Great were still playing but now its 10 dollars to get that dance emote that everyone has,cant be left out now can we?.......ok i'm still here.Still playing,got to keep playing, got to get to 320...must do raid soon.Hands shaking its 4am wifes gone to bed alone again.Need to lfg a fireteam. Oh wait i'm not high enough light level yet.Keep grinding its 7am now havent slept time to take my kids to school.still smell of drink and haven't slept .still trying to get to 320.......wife throws water on me im asleep and its time to go to work still drowsy from the 10 hour destiny grind.This has got to stop she says,it will i say.Next night same again....3 months later there's a note on the table when i get home.I cant do this any more it says were leaving,its gone on long enough you can play your game to your hearts content now i hope you're happy.I send a text saying i'm nearly at 320 now just one more game......
#beautiful satire
[b]I send a text saying i'm nearly at 320 now just one more game[/b]...... lol hahaha
Sad story. But with most people on this, I presume you're being either sarcastic, lying or just want attention.
Bungie : " Edit player XM3RKDX's gameplay to only pick up 140 light level gear from now on and send him a bill for unpaid ETC orders. Wait a week, then forgive the debt and removed edit restriction on game play and send him a 8m long piece of rope. "
Edited by gerwin454: 12/18/2015 10:13:12 PMTitan 3 days Hunter 12 days Warlock 5 days On my hunter i have more than you combined That is 21 days on my hunter i already have 28 days
You have no idea of the power of crack and heroin....not even close....
Well if this is true you need serious help. There are places that help with gaming addiction. Hope you smarten up a bit family comes first.
If your diction is this bad, then you either had it coming or this is a troll post.
that was a horrible read. stop playing, it's not worth it. destiny is not a good game anyways
Oh well. That's your problem for being a retard.
You need professional help dude. Your addiction sounds clinically diagnosable.
It's beginning to look a lot like a repost. Date stamps everywhere.
Game ain't that good tbh don't know how that gets in the way of family
Are you stupid?
Wow. First thing you need to do is grow up and accept responsibility for your choices and your actions.
Brilliant haha
Ok so what?
You forgot the #satire in the hashtags.
It is not Bungie's fault you can't organize your priorities as an adult....
I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.
A joke? I hope.....
It's funny 'cause it's true.
Lol good story. I remember the first week and even maybe into the 2nd week of nonstop gaming, no sleep, going into work and always thinking about Destiny every second of the day.