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originally posted in:The Roleplay League
12/17/2015 8:54:48 PM
Near the Northern end of the planet Mars, the land was frozen and covered in snow. Large, jagged mountains dotted the land. The wind was fierce enough to knock a Titan down on his back. It was here where the Cabal chose to build a research base, something they weren't known for. They were looking into the massive gates that the Vex use, hoping to find a connection between the numberless legion of the Vex and how they are able to move so quickly. There was only one entrance, and it was heavily guarded. A usual twelve person guard stood watch over the gate, and on special occasions, a tank. Today was one of those special occasions, and security was increased dramatically. The Cabal were on the verge of a major discovery. Too bad they didn't live to see it. The front gate had been smashed through, the twelve guards all lay dead. The battle scene was ugly, with open flames and smoke everywhere, and the Cabal guards weren't killed conventionally. Some of them were ripped apart. Further into the base wasn't much better. The bodies of security guards and personnel were everywhere. The place looked like it had been sieged and completely destroyed. Somewhere, deep inside the base, a single Guardian was standing next to a terminal, interfacing with it. At least, the person looked like a Guardian. But Guardians don't make such a mess. It was Lake. He had come through the base, killed everyone inside, and was taking any information useful to him. The Darkness in him swirled like a maelstrom, and his eyes were set on one goal, and one goal only. (( Open ))

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  • He looked down upon the base from his ship. "Hmm" He slowly and carefully followed the way to him and saw everything before knocking over a canister that blew up even more.

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  • [spoiler]Oh, this isn't the post itself. Smokey's already finished with this, but all the way down at the bottom I'm having a conversation with someone which is still interactable[/spoiler]

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  • Ok [spoiler]Oooppps[/spoiler]

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  • Anise grimaced behind her visor, walking through pools of Cabal blood and gore with rifle in hand. "Oy blin, what in the name of the Traveller caused this mess? Ghost, send Telemetry to Lord Saladin." Her near silent footsteps were complimented by a slight clicking sound made by her rifle. It was a precision weapon forged by the lords of iron, Colovance's Duty. As she made it deeper into the base, she found the cause of the destruction and shuddered in disbelief. "A Guardian, here?!"

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  • The only thing that the person had in relation to a Guardian was the appearance, but it was pretty clear that the Light had left him. He was one with the Darkness.

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  • Edited by ChancingIt13: 12/18/2015 11:07:53 AM
    [i] She'd been tracking him since he turned, being so very careful to stay a day or so behind him, the trail of dark he left behind was easy enough for her to follow. In fact she could petty much travel through it. It was a shock for her to be this close to him, she was laid flat on a out crop peering through the sight of her sniper. The safety was on she wasn't hear to kill. She didn't know why she was here.....yes she did [b]guilt[/b][/i]. [i]Her ghost popped up[/i] "even if you pass that on, you'll die, or he will kill you before you get the chance. " Ro " Then I will have paid for my cowardice" [i]she countered[/i] [i]Her ghost shook it's shell and disappeared.[/i]

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  • If Lake had noticed her, he didn't react. Next to the terminal, a data pad was linked. He took the data pad after five minutes and then started to leave the base. " I know you're here. Quit following me."

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  • [i] She had suspected this would happen if she got closer than a few hours behind him. Hadn't thought about what she would do , she stays up on her outcrop and says nothing. Leaves the safety on despite Zens bopping about her frantically.[/i]

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  • Lake disappeared out of view.

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  • Edited by ChancingIt13: 12/18/2015 12:49:40 PM
    [b] Bait[/b] " Probably " [i]she mutters. She takes Broken Truth off the bipod , folds it down then carefully lays it beside her, she checks her hand cannon for the god damn sand that gets in everything in this hell hole. She takes her sniper , and stands slinging it over her shoulder, and sliding Red into her thigh holster. Pulling her wrecked old cloak around her against the biting wind, she starts heads down to the base to see if anything there yields something useful .[/i]

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  • There was nothing, the whole place had been wiped clean. Everything was quiet, and nothing stirred.

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  • Edited by ChancingIt13: 12/19/2015 5:55:19 AM
    [i]She isn't surprised that he's left no indication as to what was here or what he may have been looking for. Romii does however shudder slightly at the brutality that ended the life of these Cabal. As she leaves she hears a gurgling rasping coming from a corner, draws Red and carefully rounds the crates blocking her view. She balks, and turns her head, then swallowing hard she turns back to , what she assumes was a psion . It's propped against the wall , cleaved in half from the shoulder to the hip, what ever did this seemed to sear the wound as it did leaving it unable to just bleed out , half its body hung limply like it was peeling away. Ro raised her gun and placed it firmly against the psions skull, she felt it gratefully lean against barrel before she pulled the trigger.[/i] [i]Zen pops up and is about to say something when she begins to walk in the direction she last saw Lake going, but thinks better of it as she begins shade out. Through blackened eyes the trail he leaves is a twisted veil of thickened fog. She continues to follow him.[/i]

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  • Lake appeared right in front of her. His outward physical appearance changed, as his whole body was covered in Hive armour. He picked her up by the throat and pinned her to a wall. " I told you to stop following me. Don't make me kill you."

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  • Edited by ChancingIt13: 12/18/2015 10:05:39 PM
    [i]She gives a startled cry as he grabs her . Beginning to tremble with fear as his grip tightens. She shakes her head.[/i] R " I don't know what your doing , but I am guessing it will eventually take you to Aries. Your not going alone." [i]Ro closes her eyes, and Lake feels his grip close on nothingness as she dematerialise. She then reforms but remains insubstantial. Knowing he can't physically grab her does nothing to stop the fear rising in her throat.[/i]

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  • " Aries can go to hell for all I care. He's not important. And neither are you, so go away."

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  • [i]Shocked and confused, everything had suggested he'd be driven to vengeance , yet here it was his motives seemed completely foreign . Which brought her back to what all darkness wants , self serving power. [/i] R " I never claimed to be important " [i]she says , more to herself than anyone. She just stands there staring at him as he glares at her.[/i]

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  • " Then go away." His hand started turning ethereal in nature, and he could now hurt her in her own realm.

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  • [i] At that moment Ro is grateful her helmet hides her expression. She goes cold and a shudder passes over her but she doesn't move. Of course it could be fear that keeps her rooted to the spotll [/i]

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  • He tossed her aside without much of a care. He started walking away. " I warned you..."

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  • [i]She is small anyway so it takes him very little effort to throw her to the side. She hits the ground, winded,as her lack of concentration causes her to return to normal. Her eyes narrow and she starts coughing. She begins to get back up [/i]

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  • Lake didn't look back as he continued walking.

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  • Edited by ChancingIt13: 12/19/2015 10:15:58 AM
    [i] Ro stand up brushing herself off.She isn't giving up, but she also didn't have a deathwish. So she watches him walk away. Hours pass When she feels sure he's either forgotten or pre occupied, she gathers her stuff an slowly heads off.[/i] [spoiler]you want this to end here?[/spoiler] (End?)

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  • A jumpship passed by overhead, and you hear the familiar, and rather pleasant [i]whoosh[/i] of a Guardian materializing nearby. Though you are on edge, a reassuring aura of Light radiates off of him, and when he walks towards you the Fusion Rifle in his hand dematerializes. The Guardian is an helmet-less Titan, clad in murky gold armor with a black combat skin underneath; sleek, ergonomic, and rather fearsome. His face is Caucasian, with startling pale green eyes and stark black hair, and when he speaks his voice has an American accent with perhaps a tinge of Irish. "You alright there Guardian? Cayde said that there was a Guardian on patrol here that hadn't reported in recently, so I was ordered to find you."

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