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Edited by NavrosOL: 12/17/2015 4:49:33 PM
Don't worry dude. Hunters are the biggest whiners in this game. They're always under powered and everything else is OP to them. Look at how they bitch about anything that kills them. GG is EZ mode. Point and shoot an insta Kill gun that has no delay, massive aim assist, and crazy range. Not OP in their eyes and perfectly fine because it has a wind up. I've sniped Snipers, across the map in twilight gap with it. They will ALWAYS complain. They've been doing it since beta. Here's the snipe across map: The list of things they have complained because they didn't have it or it killed them is long as shit and petty as hell. Edit: A wind up animation.

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  • just recently began playing pvp inthis game, started a titan when i did, also just madea warlock. I think all 3 classes have their ups and downs. It's really how you use them, not how good their perks are. Maybe at the top 1% of pvp players balance arguments can be made that are valid. This is not one of those though. Have gone flawless on my hunter and titan many times since i started playing this game competitively in the past month or two. I will go flawless this week on my new warlock as well. Dont understand this class stuff, its not like you're born and stuck with the class you chose, just make a different class if its so overpowered.

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    Didn't know Hunter was a class in real life. They clearly get killed a lot, like at work or school, then come to a forum for a game to complain about real life. Clearly you have a point.

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  • Don't play with it thn.

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  • Edited by NavrosOL: 12/17/2015 10:28:44 PM
    Pretty sure that's why the hunter I have is collecting dust. I only pull him out when someone needs help with nightfall. I don't need a handicap like enhanced radar and marking people so I can see them threw a wall. That's the kind of stuff that makes people think they're good when they're garbage. Edited for dat spelling!

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  • Hell with those light levels I'd think [i]all[/i] your characters are collecting dust. If hunters are easy mode, then why do you have a negative KD with your hunter. I mean since they're [i]so[/i] easy to use, you should go positive every game you play. Oh, and a handicap is a drawback, idiot, not an advantage.

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  • Do PvP with no super and no jump. Tell me how well you do. Oh, you won't because you're all show and no go. I forgot.

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  • I'm not sure what point you're making, but sure I could because gunslinger's neutral game is crazy. Lets me dick on scrubs like you (;

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  • ROFL, what's the first ability you unlock? You must not know your classes very well if you think you'll have any sort of neutral game when I stated I had no jump or super.

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  • I didn't realize supers=neutral game? And no, a jump isn't necessary, neutral game is the state of [i]not[/i] being in your super. Idk what point you're making with the jump, but I'll just assume english is not your first language. Anyway, you're a dirty casual so I wouldn't expect [i]you[/i] to be telling me anything about the game. Are you upset that your crutch HoS got nerfed, and now you can't boost your mediocre KD?

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  • Oh man, I'm just going to mute you, you are literally too stupid to speak too. I'm not going to punish myself for your sake.

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  • ROFL, you call me a casual when you're are literally to -blam!-en retarded to understand what I'm saying when I said, and I'm gonna break this down Barney style for you, NO JUMP AND NO SUPER [b][i][u]UNLOCKED.[/u][/i][/b] Know what, -blam!- it, I'm not going to trust you to even figure out that part. Read the spoiler because you're are so god damn stupid, it literally hurts me. Words don't offend me, ignorance does. You have the entirety of human knowledge either at your finger tips or in the palm of your hand, and can not even manage to figure out what the neutral game means. Super. Neutral. It's pretty easy. Super is when you're in your super, neutral is when you're not using your super. Know what you need to make the neutral game better? The -blam!-en perks! Jesus, are you that -blam!-en retarded? [spoiler]The were no nodes other than grenade unlocked. No chain of woe, no gunslingers trance, no nothing. Just the grenade.[/spoiler]

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  • Please, God tell me I'm not the only one who's seeing this. Even if I had to rely on pure gun game, I'd shit on your life because your stats are pure garbage lmao I doubt you even have a good pvp loadout.

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  • he is a crybaby kid, whodoesnt know how to express facts, only his opnion, with rage included when you dont agree. Its not your fault this kid has the mental capacity of a potato and anger flowing out of his body. He is just an angry stupid kid, dont let it bother you, he is just deprived of attention from his parents.

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  • Ok, I thought I was going crazy for a sec

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  • Misspelled Titan Also muted

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  • Oh no! My life is over! -blam!-en moron

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