Talk about ignorance, you have 1 character, a Warlock. Sorry, you are not allowed in this conversation if you haven't played as the other sub classes.
I mained a titan at 315 light. With 30 days alone played on him and an average k/d of a 1.9. Hammers did just fine even after the nerf, just takes some skill base to use,I guess that's why you can't kill anyone aye?
I don't believe you. Why would you delete your other characters to just have one character.
Because I had .9 k/d on my titan, an my warlock was only lvl 30. My warlocks level 42 with a 1.5 k/d. I play better on a warlock anyways.
I have 15 deleted characters with 60 days across all of them. I'm a top 3% trials player, and a top 1% elemination player (: take your aids elsewhere.