#HowsThatMortgagePqyment #CreditScore #ForeverYoung #YoureTooOldToPostOnForums #IfYoureSoBusyWithResponsibilitiesThenWhyAreYouPostingOnForums #Confused #YouWishYouWereMe #YouMightSeeMeInTheStreetsButPatnaYouDontKnowMe #GitGud #Contradicting
Edited by DvlDawg15: 12/17/2015 3:38:24 AMWhy are you reading this? And thinking of a reply? Thought you said you had a wife you spent time with during this time? Were you lying? Or are you not going to type to prove your telling the truth? Because now some other troll will say something about you just jacking it if you don't reply, but if you do reply, then you're lying.
#ReadMyEarlierPost #AtWorkUntil1130 #AtLeastYoureTrying #MountainTimeZone #ICanAffordIt #IWearEverySingleChainEvenWhenImInTheHouse #StartedFromTheBottomNowWereHere
Doesn't take long to reply to a post? And your use of hashtags is childish which is why you don't get to enjoy having them. It's ok lil buddy, one day you'll have a house in your name and not a landlord, along with a good credit score, so you don't have to work so much. Being an adult isn't easy but I know you'll make it. Your parents somehow managed conception, so there's just a sliver of intellect in that noggin of yours. It's genetic.
#AHigherCreditScoreDoesntMeanYouGetToWorkLess #DumbestThingYouveSaid #ProofRead #Ebonics #DiscountDoubleCheck
LOL A PARENTS JOKE. HOW ADULT OF YOU. #NiceTry #YouKeepReplyingThough #YouCouldHaveDoneChallengeModeTwiceAlready #KeyboardWarrior #CallOnTyrone #IBetYourWifeCutsYourHair #IdInviteYouToMyHouse #IBetYouLoveViennaSausage #SpamAndEggs #TimesWastin #WhatWouldYouDoForAKlondikeBar
And you're ignoring your wife... Or you lied about her existing. Either way you spending time with your wife was a lie. Take a seat kiddo.
#AndYouPostingMeansYoureIgnoringYourWife #OrYouLied #DoYourBest #YouNeedADayOff
Don't pay him any mind he's clearly immature.
#HeresAnotherBKRandom #NotWorthMyHastags
Don't really care good day fruit cup.
#WhatAMatureComment #Scrubalicious
Lmao look who's talking.
#IsThereAPointYoureTryingToMake #YoureFubuImNike