how come when as you can see from my link i finish first in most races, yet I nearly always end out being the one who gets a mote of light strange coin or blue engram as a reward. surly it would make more sense to reward the winning three the best prizes otherwise its defeating the purpose of coming top three.
Link to my results page [url][/url]
Check your results [url][/url]
I got a 320 helm from coming in last place lel
Who cares.
It's broke, I got a 300 Legendary Helm and I only completed 2laps..lmao, thank you RNGesus! [spoiler]im breaking everything down for marks anywase, I'm in it for whatever shaders I get[/spoiler]
Come in last then :)
I'm rank 5 n never gotin 320 stud drop n ppl on rank 3 have had 4 or 5 wtf is wa that
Edited by Diamond D Nice: 12/16/2015 7:13:40 PMSame problem. At rank three i got drastically fewer rewards. And winning gets me f all. I started stopping at the finish line and letting others win. And class items are non existent.
Is someone getting salty over rng?
Atleast you actually get something, not like the regular crucible
Absolutely not. This is no different than crucible or nightfall rewards.
Thank you someone who is actually intelligent