What? I don't understand what you're trying to say.
Shaun is 10. 10 years old, 10 years of age, a decade year old... [b]10[/b]
Shaun's 60, the leader of the institute and dies at the end, wasn't going to say anything but you've pissed me off. Have that. Oh and "Spoiler Alert"
..... Great, you spoiled the ending that I even chosen to wait and played 6 days worth of hours only to ruin in 5 secs. Now over 400 hrs of gameplay is all for nothing.
Your welcome
How does it feel, to ruin something somebody have waited for so long only to be shattered in seconds?
I feel pretty honoured. It was a pleasure
... So evil
So I'm on the same level as Hitler and Stalin? Wow
No... You're just evil hidden among victims, Hitler was more of a villain, in public and without re-morse due to his ignorance.
You completely deserved the game to be spoiled because you sir are a b**** straight up
Meh... I don't feel anything for the Fallout Story, however I'm reading a book... Luckily you will never know what it is and can never spoil it.
Thank you OPP
Edited by GlacialCheese: 12/15/2015 3:27:24 PMJust a game pal, no need to get all deep on me. And 400 hours of gameplay? Get a life mate there's something called earth, you should check the place out.
Hypocrite? Had the game 3 weeks, 27 hours, not that bad pal
No... Saying that you have a life, anyone who still on the forums HAS NO LIFE...
I was only on it because I needed help on fallout, then found you being a prick so i though I'd chip in, 400 hours is unhealthy pal, get a social life
I don't need a social life... Don't have anxiety, just hate people. You seem like people, impatient and emotional
Your the only one getting emotional mate. You hate people? Well tough because there's a lot of them.
..... *Rolls eyes*