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12/14/2015 3:39:26 AM
This post is for new members who want to see what is expected of their behavior, and older members who wish to refresh themselves. #1: There is to be no harassment, bullying, or purposefully malicious activities of any kind. If you feel that such behavior is happening, either to you or to someone else, report it to me. First time offenders will get a warning from me, and further such behavior will be banned and reported to Bungie. #2: See Rule #1. #3: Keep all forum and wall postings as SFW as possible, including foul language. We're all gamers, we all know the words, but using them too much makes them lose meaning. #4: When participating in competitive multiplayer, refrain from using cheap, unfair, or rude tactics to gain victory. If a specific opponent is employing dishonorable tactics, prove to them their inferiority by besting them fairly instead. Any and all questions regarding rules may sent to me, and updates or additions to this list will be made as they are brought to my attention. Ride well, fellow Racers.
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