I have been playing destiny since day 1 and heavy has always been a problem in crucible. In vanilla destiny no one really had good heavy's besides the few with gally or truth (me) but after the first iron banner,dlc1/2, and gun perk rerolls we started getting some that would destroy in PvP and have way to much ammo. And seeing how the Destiny community is 90% loser that abuse and use cheap tactics to win heavy has become a huge problem. Most people want it out of certain game modes like Trials, rift, and etc but Bungie should take it out of every gamemode besides Mayhem. Mayhem should be the only game mode that has Heavy in it, it makes sense. Every single game i get into, when heavy drop the opposing team goes full fa**ot and head glitches with low rpm high dps lmgs or truth. and they go on a 15+ kill streak then t bag you when they kill you. Awesome... Or they could just decrease the amount of heavy to 20 rounds or 2 rockets and make it where no armor with ammo increases dont work in PvP. I love trials but hate the heavy round. Me and my friends wave signaling we won't use heavy. they wave, wait for us to push then pick up heavy. gg so good you're mlg af bro. PLS BUNGIE
I reckon if you had to put your age on posts, all of the crybaby nerf callers would be 14 or less.
You know if half of you crucibabies were as God damn elite as you like to think you are, you wouldn't be wasting your time on this dumpster fire PvP. Go play call of duty and see how good you really are; news flash, you probably aren't and that's why your here swimming in the shallow end of the PvP pool. So save your sanctimonious phoney PvP God act for some squeaker who doesn't know what real PvP gods play. Dismissed
Bro this is where supers and grenades and tactical strategic gunplay come in handy, just crouch and use some more stealth to prevent getting picked up on the radar and monitor them, then when the time is right pounce them, and believe me you can manage this just practice
Yes, then remove special, a sniper killed me yesterday, then remove primary. I was shocked to find out guns could kill me
Edited by VVeenus5060: 12/13/2015 7:44:18 PMMan I have never seen so many whiny bitches Inone place..this forum is full of crucibabie nerf pussies that continues to beg for an advantage it is unbelievable to me... its a good thing I don't own the rights to this game as I would ban every last person that calls for a nerf or cries about a super or HEAVY Weapons or special ammo... its a fukin game its supposed to be fun for everyone. ..which is no longer the case because the nerfherders are destroying this game from the inside... I hope the day comes real soon when u can't build a crucible match because there isnt enough players left to play this garbage
How about we remove all ammo , grenades and guns from the game and instead give marshmallows to throw at each other oh and while we're at it why not make it so that no matter which team is doing better everyone wins at the end and gets a trophy that states your special guardian and just completely remove all competitive aspects from the game. Kinda like the no child left behind but instead it'll be no guardian left behind.
They should just make separate lobbies. - no super ~ no exotics _ no heavy Tick the boxes and away you go!! Swat lobbies? Hand guns only? Side arms only? No super no heavy? Fine! Give us options to customize!
I see this is the latest Nerf this or that trend post huh? Sigh. People can't compete against someone getting 3 rockets so they deem heavy 'uncompetitive'. Ugg. Please, make crucible worse than it already has become!
They just need a few more inferno game modes
They probably don't know about this waving honor code. I just saw something about it for the first time yesterday. Also, gg.
I would like to see it removed from and 3vs3 games mode as well as rumble.
Less QQ, more pew pew.
To bad there can't be a vote before the match(for 3v3), you guys want heavy yea or no..
No, you call yourself mlg and you cant even deal with heavy? Lol git gud kid.
Edited by Xenoaspher: 12/15/2015 6:30:40 AM[b] [/b]
Take it out of rumble and 3v3 game modes and it will be fine
Or just leave it like it is and learn to play better? Your poll needs more options
You pathetic pvp bitch. So you PVP kids aren't happy with your opinions and cries having our PVE classes and weapons nerfed, now you're asking for an entire weapon base to be removed from the game. I hope bungie see your post and finally realise, like a cold water shock, that you kids will never be happy. And you'll always find fault in the game. And they'll drop pvp from destiny and concentrate on making the greatest PVE game in history.
Go play Call of Doody.
How about you stop trying to take what makes Destiny Destiny from Destiny and let Destiny be Destiny.
You've blown straight past full retard and head first into potato. Congrats.
Please take snipers out of destiny
Heavy ammo shouldn't be in any 3v3 game mode.
Removes from rumble i dont want that to be the reason people win
The only issue I have with heavy ammo in pvp is that it disappears when you die. Somehow dying makes it so you lose your heavy ammo but your special and primary stay put. I think thats rediculous.
Learn how to counter players with heavy or quit. Simple solution.