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Edited by Boomstick1911: 12/12/2015 6:49:53 PM

Enough is Enough (2b) Shut down the balance tag

Part 1: Part 2A: [i]Summary: Part 2A discussed the toxicity of the vocal minority, both in those that cry for nerfs, and those who use KD to justify such cries. It also delved into cheating, and why I believe the aforementioned elitist behavior gives rise to cheating, hacking and boosting.[/i] [b]Continuing from where we left off in 2A:[/b] [u]I'm now going to make a statement, addressing these toxic players directly. If you take offense to any of this, or jump to the predictable attitudes that I have outlined, or even remotely think that this game is balanced right now, then you need to seriously read everything I've said, including Part 1, and will say in the follow up post. If you still hold these narrow mind sets, then perhaps you are too toxic for this game, and need to go to Call of Duty where these aforementioned attitudes fit in.[/u] [b]1) Your KDR is IRRELEVANT.[/b] Face the facts: KDR has meant all of nothing since boosting became a thing. It's even been going on in Destiny, especially with the recent Chaperone quest (though that's largely Bungie's fault for destroying TLW and then trying to force us to still use it.) It's an arbitrary number, and can be artificially inflated with relative ease. Even many of the more competitive Youtubers in Destiny, don't give two shits about stats: What matters, is how you treat your allies, your opponents, and how you communicate with them. [b]That number does [i]NOT[/i] give you the right to invalidate anyone's opinion. It doesn't give you the right to belittle them, berate them or be hateful. It makes you no better than Gjallarhorn elitists that excluded people over a DAMNED GUN. It's a childish and toxic mentality, and quite narrow-minded. Knock it off.[/b] [b]2) Learn to accept when you're beaten.[/b] Even if you have the reaction time and trigger finger of Billy the Kid, you're going to die. You'll get sniped, shotgunned and meleed. You'll miss a tripmine and get wrecked by it. [i]You were outplayed.[/i] [u]DEAL WITH IT[/u]. It doesn't make the gun/Grenade/Super you died to overpowered, by any stretch of the imagination. It means you screwed up, and Bungie's patches aren't going to fix your shortcomings. There's a reason I stopped playing 6v6: Bad spawns, and deaths that were out of my control. [i]In Rumble and 3v3, I can figure out what I did wrong, and vastly improve my game.[/i] Now, with my last sentence being said, yes, you're going to have bullshit deaths. Lag, bad spawns, etc.: You have every right to be annoyed by that. [b]However, when you are at fault, admit it; the forums are not a revolving door for Bungie to fix your poor decisions.[/b] When you come in here, and whine about weapons, you're making the game worse on yourself and everyone else. Play a few matches, record them, and go back to see what you did wrong. Better yourself, and stop expecting Bungie to hand the game to you. I may have a low KD, but at least I admit when I -blam!-ed up. I study my matches now instead of getting mad, but a lot of my deaths early in the game's life can be attributed to poor connections and bad matchmaking. [b]3) If you feel you need to cheat to win, then GET OUT.[/b] [i]This one, shouldn't even have to be said.[/i] There's a special place in Hell for people like you, right next to thieves, murderers and politicians. Cheating is NOT the way to get back at a player that bested you. [b]Learn from your ass kicking, improve from it, get better.[/b] You gain NOTHING from cheating to get a win, and if you have any sort of conscience you'll be riddled with guilt every time you look upon your ill gotten spoils. [b]If you have to cheat, then you are GARBAGE, WORTHLESS, BOTTOM OF THE BARREL SCUM.[/b] May God have mercy on your wretched soul, and be warned of curses that will plague you and yours. [b]4) It's just a game.[/b] [i]Another one that should need no explanation, but sadly still does.[/i] Does anyone remember when games were simply fun? I do. Halo 3 was a blast, and so was Modern Warfare 2. Same went for Black Ops as well: I had fun, and that's what gaming is supposed to be, right? Good sportsmanship, cooperation, and outright fun. I haven't met a single hateful player in this game yet, and it's wonderful. At the same time though, those people are starting to creep in, and influence the game negatively. Hackers, nerf herders, haters... It's stupid, childish and unnecessary. It's contributing to the destruction of Destiny, and the rest of us are tired of it. We need to go back to the days of Halo, where KD meant next to nothing. Where we just went in, laughed our asses off and had a good time, regardless of whether we kicked ass, or got our asses kicked. Destiny is the closest I have come, in a long time, to a relaxing, and fun game where the people I play with are a joy to be around. I want to keep it that way, and Traveler be damned if I am going to let a small number of radical, hateful players ruin that. [b][i]In closing, we're not going to see this game truly improve, until the community improves and we make our voices heard. We need to drown out these nerf herders, and show them that they have no place here if all they're going to do is pitch fits at Bungie over everything they die to, and then thumb their noses at other players over an arbitrary, meaningless number. You can either play with us, or against us. If you continue to go against us, then honestly, the release valve that you toxic players have in the forums, needs to be cut off. That is why I believe one of two things needs to happen for this game to progress back to a truly balanced state, where all weapons are viable:[/i][/b] [b]1) Remove the balance hashtag.[/b] OR [b]2) Ban anyone who excessively cries for nerfs.[/b] [b][i]Bungie needs to fix the game, and corrupt, self-serving feedback is ruining that opportunity. You minority players aren't the only ones here; when you cry over what you die to, it affects EVERYONE, and the rest of us are sick of it. It would be in your best interest to follow what was said above, because if your behavior continues it will get you ostracized from the Destiny player base, and the backlash will be severe. If any of you believe that the solution lies above, sign here.[/i][/b]

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  • Just a couple of things I disagree with your assertions. "KDR is Irrelevant" Not even remotely true. It's the only thing that's relevant when trying to gauge how effective someone is at a first person shooter, considering 90% of game modes have the highest correlation to winning based off this stat, and it's pretty much common sense. If you want to play a mode where KDR isn't as relevant, play zone control. What you call "artificial inflation of KDR" is just effective play. I agree that that doesn't give the right to invalidate opinions of low KDR players. It's just bad logic. Also, your entire assumption about DDOS'ing is wrong. That fact that you're playing a game has nothing to do with it. DDoS'ing is a worldwide phenomena that costs everybody billions of dollars annually and the problem is only going to get worse. The current structure of the internet isn't equipped to handle DDoS attacks, it's just the awful truth of the matter. It doesn't matter if the game is 100% casual friendly with no competitive play, you're going to get DDoS'ed. Finally, I think your posts are just crying out into the darknet here. Destiny isn't a good multiplayer shooter, and it goes beyond weapon balance. There are multiple other things fundamentally wrong with the game that prevent it from being so. No skill based matchmaking when it's necessary, no lobbies, only one competitive game mode that alienates the majority of what the meta actually has to offer, character subclasses that add yet another layer of balancing on top of weapon balancing (perfect balance is unobtainable, you don't even have perfect balance in pretty much every physical sport between offense and defense.), ammo has always been done obnoxiously. Bungie caters to its audience, which is majority PVE. Crucible is just a casual activity. If you want a pvp focused game, you need to play a pvp focused game (CS, Quake, League, etc.) Asking for more is like asking your 10+ year old toyota to start operating at an electric level fuel efficiency.

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    • Although i agree with some of what you are saying i dont agree that your opinion should matter as you have a shit kd and the fact that you have barely completed any end game content. As a non sniper ill tell you most of the whining comes from low skill low level players that cry nerf when they die unless it is a weapon or subclass that they favor then they dont say anything. All high level players will tell you it doesn't matter what class or gun you use. I mained fusions and they where made useless because of crying snipers/ shotgunners. The nerfs were not a result of us but you scrubs thinking something is op because we worked at getting proficient at using particular weapons/ classes. You most certainly participated in the nerf posts. Therefore i will again state that low level non accomplished scrubs should have no voice in this matter as you are all hypocrites. Leave the discussion to those who play a variety of shooters will high levels and kds. If you didnt beat atheon and crota on both difficulties and weren't here through the entirety of the nerfs trying to stop them before they occurred then get the -blam!- off the forums because you have a limited point of view

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      • the main issue is and has always been the map styles set up with tight corners for cqb battles. Almost none of the nerfs where even justfied and probably never needed to occur as a result. The 3 large size maps ( one on each planet) with vehicles and turrets where not only never added to but instead removed completely. And to make matters worse The TAKEN King features maps with even tighter corners and closer engagements then even the original. The shotgun and fusion range wouldn't seem so advantageous if the maps where more spread out and open. Statistics about guns do not tell you anything unless you take every variable into account

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      • [b]UPDATE: I have posted a poll regarding weapon balancing, and I would love your input! [/b]

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      • Like gj

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        • This was the most well written thing I've seen out of you, Boom. And you're absolutely 100% on the money. Especially regarding the influx of toxicity inherent in an ultra-competitive playlist being introduced. I'm looking at you, Trials of Osiris. There are some good points on the balance forums, though, and even though no one wants a nerf-herder to be correct...sometimes, they are. Look at the Sunbreaker. Look at Thorn at the peak of Hand Cannon dominance before 2.0 dropped. I will say though, at this time, aside from my innate dislike of shotguns, the Crucible is actually quite balanced. I've been killed by a variety of weapons now, as opposed to just dying to Pulse Rifles before this last patch. I'm seeing a lot of snipers out there, now. And while people will get frustrated that they'll turn a corner and get domed by a Her Benevolence(guys, stop using Her Aim-Assist Crutch), I find I actually like it. It teaches me sight lines, encourages improved reaction times, better casing of my surroundings, and overall, it helps me improve my game. I would honestly like to see Bungie rework this forum. Something that allows the entire community to express themselves, but at the same time, provide some good evidence to back a claim that there's something that needs to be worked on. Something to ensure that it's not a cancerous sea of crybabies who can't handle a loss. Making the community better starts with us, the community. tl;dr signed bruh good post m8 8/8

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          • Great post

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          • BOOM

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