I'm debating whether I should wait until ROTTR comes out on PS4 or buy it this month for Xbox One. But the thing is if I buy it for Xbox, then I will hardly have any playing time. However, for the PS4 I can play it at anytime. So what should I chose? :s
Honestly just wait, it's not worth getting the Xbox as well if you would only get it just to play tomb raider now.
I dunno. Personally, I wouldn't get the game because it isn't too good. However, I'd say that you should get it for your preferred system, no matter how long it takes,
Wait for it. Don't let Microsoft and Sony hijack games and developers in order to sell their plastic. Remember hardware should sell software, not the other way around.
Why would you have no time?
Get it this year man :) It's a great game & why wait till most likley the end of next year when it's out right now? It's fun, if you liked the first you'll love the second.
I bought it and I'm enjoying it. It's definitely a refreshing change of pace from the usual shooters an/or RPGs this holiday season.
If your willing to wait a year. It will be 60 on ps4 and discounted on Xbox lol.
I don't remember Titanfall ever being released on the PS4, and I don't remember this new tomb raider being just a 1year exclusive.
Just wait.
Abstract acronyms yo
What the hell is that?
If you wait you can get the game of the year edition with all the dlc for cheaper next year
You get the best of both worlds and exclusive issues don't pertain to you
Why would you not have playing time? Do you want to wait a year?
I really enjoyed it. And next year looks stocked with great games for both systems as well so it's a tough call.