So after several weeks perfecting our strategy and not dying in silly places, my regular raid group finally finished HM Oryx last night. We were all very happy to have finally beaten him and the emblem and trophy were nice but can we please have a discussion about HM loot?
I got absolutely nothing for beating him on HM. I got 2 moldering shards and a normal cloak class item from my normal mode drops.
Is my experience a common occurrence? Is this a bug? Where is the incentive to beat him on HM? Is there a Crux / Mythoclast item to chase? I can get better weapons and infusion fuel from other parts of the game Trials / Iron Banner.
With RNG on the perks and light level of drops, is there any reason not to drop a primary every time that you beat him, guaranteed?
Unfortunately, the bug is Bungie themselves. The rng is rigged to keep you playing. Sometimes, it pays off for the hours you put into it, then at times it spits on you for putting in hard work. I've been playing Kings Fall since the first week and have yet to get Mouth of Ur (Warlock Helmet).