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Edited by EaterOfVVorlds: 12/10/2015 6:10:00 PM

Destiny Tip #7

If you are following these tips then by now you should be well on your way to saving [b]Glimmer[/b]. Over the course of your play you have probably come across plenty of [b]Consumables[/b], [i]I.E. Ether Seeds, Blue Polyphage, Black Wax Idol etc[/i], and used them to obtain [b]Glimmer[/b]. In your battles you may have come across other interesting finds such as [i] House Banners, Axiomatic Beads, Network Keys etc[/i]. These are items wanted by the [b]Cryptarch[/b] which can be turned in for [b]Glimmer[/b]. Use these to progress in getting to the [b] Glimmer Cap[/b] which is [i] 25000[/i]. Once you get to the cap, any other items that are wanted by the [b]Cryptarch[/b] are best saved stored in your [b]Vault[/b] in case you make a big purchase and need a boost back up to the [b]Glimmer Cap[/b]. -EaterOfVVorlds-
#feedback #tip

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