She notices a man in a black cloak, watching her.
[i] Light pretends not to notice , carries on observing the people milling around below her, out of sight her hand sits relaxed on[/i] [url=https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/22/fb/95/22fb95ed2677578e517fbd0ca7b0904f.gif&imgrefurl=https://www.pinterest.com/Rubberwolf/gun-concept-art/&h=656&w=1185&tbnid=qoUv4HztITrZsM:&docid=mgiwERs_mEaoYM&ei=1JhpVp7BH4nrapXnoMAI&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0ahUKEwie-4LCzNHJAhWJtRoKHZUzCIgQMwgnKAswCw]Solo[/url]
The man suddenly appears behind her, and she realizes that the black hood he wore was a trademark of legion "Your aura is familiar, have we met?"
[i] As he appeared ,she promptly vanished,only to appear a few feet further back,her hand still resting easy on her gun. Aside from that she appears relaxed once she 's assessed no immediate threat.[/i] Lt "Doubtful, but if you're another Watcher,chances are our we've crossed paths in one dimension or another."
"Hmm, I remember sensing it at a boarding school in San Diego, you been to San Diego lately?"
Edited by ChaiseShadows: 12/10/2015 3:50:18 PM[i] Her eyes narrow slightly.[/i] Lt "You see there you go asking questions you already know the answer to." [i] raising an eyebrow[/i] " I am going to make an educated guess and say your not here to fill out a contract,otherwise we'd have torn down half the block by now, so what can I do for Legion?or is this strictly social"
Limbo laughs, and removes his hood "Strictly social, it seems our kinds know each other at the boarding school, when I sensed the aura again I figured I'd say hi, sorry if I frightened you."
[i] She stands down ,taking her hand off her gun,, [/i] Lt " Sorry for being abrupt,I've been tracking solidly for 18 months and its made me very cautious.afraid I've forgotten my manners also, i'm Light." [i] She bows briefly[/i]
Limbo does the same "My name is Ichihara Kurosaki, but I am called limbo."
[i] She nods in recognition when he mentions his name,haviing arrived at the tale end of his handy work an a few occasions[/i] Lt "I've heard of you, professionally speaking, "
"That's good, means I'm getting noticed!" Limbo laughs "So what brings you to New York? Especially when your kid is all the way in San Diego?"
[i] She sighs and crouches down.[/i] L: " Firstly,the kid is my niece,and she's as much a partner in the business as she is family. I've never seen anything like it with a sniper rifle. We've been tracking information solidly for the lat 18 months, and it lead me here,but i've had a hunch about California for the last 4 months." [i] pausing[/i]I had rather hoped to get good and drunk last night and forget it all for 24 hrs but I think thats gonna have to wait." [i] She half smiles to herself.[/i] " So your kid?"
Limbo smiles "Yuri, my son, and I just sent my daughter, Suku, to the boarding school, they're my pride and joy."
[i] She smiles,but there is something else too, however its gone as quickly as it appeared[/i] L " I belive Llani has mentioned Yuri,, how old is Suku?"
Edited by greedyhellboy: 12/10/2015 8:32:57 PM"16, I just now sent her to the school because in the past she has had... Problems with controlling her powers as a watcher."
" I can relate to that,for a long time I couldn't touch anything without getting visions,then I would panic and freeze everything,I grew ouy of it,but I still have to wear gloves, pretty much all the time."
"Ah I get it, when I was younger I had trouble as well, time would get stuck on fast forward, I'd watch so many things happen, one time I couldn't stop it for a while, i watched my friends grow old and die, it scarred me, but I would always be able to rewind, and move on." Limbo looked somber, before laughing "You know, I like you, can I buy you a drink?"
[i] She pauses for a moment she looks like she's about to shake her head, when she smiles to herself.[/i] Lt" You know I gave my niece this long lecture on taking advantage of being at the boarding school because when she is with me she has no life, but that works both ways,so ,yeah, go on,"
"There's a bar a couple blocks away if you're a drinker, otherwise we can get coffee."
[i] She grins, she can't remember the pastime someone asked her "if" 'she drank, the general consensus was that all mercs , trackers and bounty hunters were borderline alcoholics. For the most part the stereotype held true, and she was no exception.[/i] Lt " The bar it is."
"Alright then." Limbo grabbed Lights hand, and they teleported to the front of the bar "Here we are, I frequent this place so we can get pretty cheap drinks." Limbo walks in, pulling out Light's barstool for her to sit in
Lt' and you don't scare the barstaffl half to death,because they are used to you materialising out of thin air" [i] she laughs[/i] Lt " Jonnie Walker Black on the rocks, thanks"
Limbo nods to the bartender "The usual Johnny." The bartender begins making the drinks "So Light, how did you get into... Our type of business?"
[i] She raises her eyebrows at that, [/i] Lt "Our type of business huh?" , well I'll be honest a lot of what Legion does is kept well underwraps, but are you not fundamentally assassins, or is that just a small part?"
"Well we're all assassins, but I was more talking about assassins as a whole, you're a bounty hunter right?"