Edit: Spent marks on Apotheosis Veil. Mida will come another day my friends, the debate is over. Tlaloc reigns supreme.
Ok so I'd say I'm a PvE player, casual kind of player, and like doing strikes and the occasional raid and such. I'm also a PvP player, but very rarely step into crucible, I don't know why.
I got the MIDA from the deceptive engram way back when TTK first dropped, and I liked it a lot. Now that it's back, do you recommend this for PvE content? I'm sure there's better exotics [u]but does this thing really hold its weight in strikes and such? [/u]Debating whether or not I should get it from my kiosk.
TL;DR- I'm a casual (yes I know, inb4filthycasyal) player who enjoys scouts, but does the multi tool hold its weight? I like it in PvP and such but, ya know, PvE stuff too.
not worth the marks. Wait tell it drop from an engram or a loot.
Taste the mida, Feel the mida
Mida was OP in the Crotas End Abyss section
I wouldnt. I loved Mida, was my 1st exotic, but other than the agility bonus there are plenty of better scouts out there
I hate to say this cause I already purchased it straight away but I am going with nah. Why? Well back in year one we argued over and over and over that there were better scouts to be found. It was debatable as mida was very solid. In the right hands it was unreal. Now here we are in year two and so many jumped all over it. Thing is it isn't even as good as it was in year one. Clearly most have seen that bungie is nerfing about all the year one exotics before they hand them to us and mida is no exception. It doesn't have the aim assist or stability levels it had in year one. Simple as that. So mida isn't quite mida and even when it was mida it wasn't exactly a king of the ring. For some it will be all that and a bag of chips just not as many as most would have you believe. I say save the legendary marks. But of course what else do we have to buy with them? So in the end it is up to you. It isn't bad at all but it isn't a year one level MIDA either.
Mida is a top tier for everything. It's a must have really.
Mida is awesome no matter what you're doing. One of the few scouts that can consistently go up against snipers in pvp and win.
its a god in pvp meh in pve
Mida is a great weapon for pve, but yes, other scouts would just do the job fine. Personally, for strikes, mida's high mobility will help you in clutch situations. A solid weapon and fun to use. I might be biased as it was one of the first weapons I got in yr 1 and loved it :)
Boolean Gemini is best overall weapon
Not for PvE