iNFlNlTE ( is a competitive PvP clan on the rise! With our tournament ( coming up soon, we have decided to try and recruit some new talent. That is why we have created an Academy.
The Official Academy of iNFlNlTE ( is now open to any player on any console! This academy is for players who want to get better at PvP or want to play alongside some elite PvP player! It is also a place for us to find new competitive talent, and train talent as well! Come join us and become a better player or if you're good enough, play alongside us at iNFlNlTE in the Winter iNFlNlTE tournament! The Academy is open to players of all skill levels. The Academy is [b][u]NOT[/u][/b] an LFG, but a place to train and find talent and skill! Join now!
like that idea! i'm playing on Xbox One GT: CallMeRouk