originally posted in:Neo Punks
"Than where did you get that? I saw a couple was missing a bag."
"What do you think? It's mine. If a couple lost a bag I don't see how that's my damn problem. What makes you think it's theirs anyway?"
"You know what, you're too stubborn to give it up. Whelp, I guess I'll drop it." [b]Ruby lifts the bag up with telekinesis and looks inside[/b]
The bag is currently strapped closed. She does not let go of the bag as it levitates away, in fact she grips it a bit tighter.
[b]Ruby stops and holds out her hand[/b] "I think we should have some formal introduction."
She doesn't extend her own hand, in fact she puts hers in her pockets and stares at your hand. "Jayce Tyer" She says.
[b]Ruby pulls her hand back[/b] 'Hello Jayce, I'm Ruby. We got off to a bad start....."
"No, in fact we didn't start at all. Ciao" She says as she turns and walks away.
[b]Ruby sighs as she walks away, knowing she messed up[/b]