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12/8/2015 12:58:19 PM

Sparrow Racing League

[b]Sparrow Racing.[/b] If you're like me, you might have pooped yourself just a bit after reading the latest update. If you haven't read it yet, hold on to your butts. Two words that Guardians have been trying to push together since the EV-30 Tumbler was released, Sparrow Racing has long been on everyone's mind. Why have sparrows with different attributes if not to go head-to-head with your buddies? It appears Bungie has decided a little healthy competition is just what we need to get everyone in the Christmas spirit. If you haven't read the patch notes, I strongly suggest you do so. For those of you who'd rather not, here's the gist of it: An update goes live today (12/8/15) that drops Sparrow Racing League content. SLR will be available for 3 weeks. Amanda Holiday, the Shipwright, will have special sparrows and gear in store, along with quests. Tess Everiss with Eververse will have vanity/cosmetic items available for Silver. Racing and quests earns you SRL reputation. Higher reputation ranks means better drops from racing. Helmets and class items drop with up to 320 light. All other equipment has no light, but instead gives racing perks. And that's all we know! The update goes live before I get home from work, so everyone chat about it! I'm living vicariously here. I'll gather everyone together when I get online and we'll run some races. [i]~GamingButterfly[/i]

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