*titans and warlocks whine about hunters for a year*
*everyone hates hunters*
*hunters and warlcoks whine for a few months another sunbreaker*
*eveyone still hates hunters*
Why the Hunter hate guys? Because they were a little better in pvp year 1? That's all Titans have to complain about because they rule lfg, and are the fastest and tankiest class.
Also, hunters are not the only ones complaining about sunbreaker, and HoS isn't getting nerfed because of them. Stop whining and hating on Hunters guys. This is why so many people avoid the forums.
It's gettin worse as we get closer to the update. I'm sick of this, hunters are not the source of everyone's problems.
Actually they are nerfing hos because of the whining. They actually have no statistics to prove it should be nerfed. Yeah it has the highest kd out of the Titan subclasses but hunter has a subclass with a higher kd than the other subclasses same for warlock. So are they going to nerf those classes to? Statistically proven it shouldn't be nerfed, but of course you have all the whining and bitching so they nerf it more than it should be. When you try to prove a point you show all statistics you don't pic and choose. Notice how they only picked 3 game modes to pull the kd from. As far as the nerfing went It should've just been brought down 5% damage resistance in super. They nerfed everything else because of the whining and complaining by everyone. So guys why can't you grow up? If you can't go play Barbie with paper dolls and I hope you get a paper cut. -Boogeyman out