I love being a hunter but we arnt the top tier class in the game and haven't been for a while. We dominate in PvP it's what our class was mainly built for but for raids we have only had one true moment which was the ending of Crotas End and that wasn't even always our slot since other classes learned how to do it. As much as I hate them, the Titans are the most loved class over all in my opinion they are adored in raids and can't wipe out a team with their smash or hammer no matter if the person is high above them in the air or across the map they can still get killed by the smash or hammer and of course the bubble has saved team mates plenty of times for every mode so yea screw the Titans but they have the crown the amount of times a Titan bubble was needed more than a hunter is pretty high. But hey if people need a good team mate to help them get wins they can call the hunters for some good ol pvp ;)