I'm starting to think DeeJ wants to be photoshopped, but here's the pic, judging from his position and look on his face, he needs a good Photoshopping.
Edit: new one right here https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVmGeCnVAAAROGN?format=pjpg&name=large
Edit: somebody photoshop DeeJ on this now! http://cdn.discogs.com/HxAEH7suGIuujXitptKdk5xp758=/fit-in/300x300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb()/discogs-images/L-330201-1383676699-1055.jpeg.jpg
Don't have the art anymore
Pm me pls
Boost into her DMs like....
Can anyone pm the pic?
Make it a giant d I c k
What's jolly burritos one?
His f**king face in that pic. [spoiler]Sorry deej, but it's pretty funny lookin.[/spoiler]
Pm jolly's art
This is one of my favorite threads
I'm open to suggestions.
Pm JollyBurrito's art
Omg post sucks
Navy seal being the cheeky edgelord as always over here....
Pm plz
Pm me JollyBurritos photoshop
Hah! Can't wait to see what else people come up with. I feel like Spongebob needs to make an appearance in here somewhere.
Can anyone add his head into this music video? That would be pretty damn funny.
Pm please
Edited by SpoderDank: 12/7/2015 11:52:46 PM[spoiler]http://imgur.com/qiy6h4l[/spoiler]
He is deffo asking for it
Bumper to pumper.
[i] [/i]
My sides
PM please
>saw the picture >oh god