okay so Ive been trying n trying n trying to get help or even trying to fix the problem my self but nothing...
So i haven't played destiny for a month now right... and its good to try other games n all but! Destiny is my 2nd favorite game other then Halo 3 so i LOVE playing it in other words. but Every Single TIME i try to Log on two things happen: it ether get me stuck on the loading right b4 u pick ur character and keeps me there... or when i try to log on it give me a error massage but with no Code or Code Name or anything it just says to "Report this error to bungie" i try to tell bungie for help they don't help n when they to help its a dam bot n they tell me the same thing over n over! for a year 1 Hunter n have kept playing even after poe was a fail n DB and HOW were both just fails of "DLC's" i'm going to come back very soon this just pisses me the hell off that i can't get bungie to help me out. shit even PSN told me they couldn't find the problem n i was talking to them for almost all the 4 weeks but now am just tried n worn out of trying i really am n i try but i guess so am just not suppose to do play... D':
PS3 or PS4?