The forums are better than the game. I don't hate the game, rather I hate the game's current state.
These forums are shit. Nerf this, nerf that, timegated blah blah blah, I want my Ghallarhorn, I want new content, I want old content back, Destiny is dead, rate my hunter, best 100 yard stare on my warlock, etc. Rarely any useful information anymore. Just complaining...and more complaining about complaining. :)
If the forums are better than the game, and the forums suck, then the game must be absolute shite.
Must be...yet you still can't seem to disappear from the community. Addicted? Denial? What keeps you on these shit forums to talk about a shitty game??
It's entertaining to watch people lose their shit.
Wouldn't you rather be playing another game? Or maybe join a forum for something that you're interested in?
I'm interested in how stupid some players can really be. I'm also interested in how royally Bungie is -blam!-ing up this game. And playing videogames is so easy when you're in college (I don't play the garbage that is mobile gaming) or when you're about to go to sleep.