*titans and warlocks whine about hunters for a year*
*everyone hates hunters*
*hunters and warlcoks whine for a few months another sunbreaker*
*eveyone still hates hunters*
Why the Hunter hate guys? Because they were a little better in pvp year 1? That's all Titans have to complain about because they rule lfg, and are the fastest and tankiest class.
Also, hunters are not the only ones complaining about sunbreaker, and HoS isn't getting nerfed because of them. Stop whining and hating on Hunters guys. This is why so many people avoid the forums.
It's gettin worse as we get closer to the update. I'm sick of this, hunters are not the source of everyone's problems.
Haha every one hates hunters and calls them whiners because hunters wreck them. Titans op hammers get nerfed and they gotta blame some one right? Blame the best. I play titan and hunter so its all funny to me.
I myself dislike the general population of hunters, but i do give each hunter a chance to prove if they're cool or not. However, the reason i dislike them is because i believe that people chose hunters because they the coolest with their assassin's creed hoods and capes, and also because hunter class is more intuitive to learn than others. I also believe that hunters dislike competition in pvp, thus are responsible for the sunbreaker nerf. As a titan main, i agree with the nerf. But it happened because a demographic demanded the nerf, and that's what bothers me the most. A whole year i went through arc blade and golden gun. Two of the best pvp supers thar belong to the hunters. It's no secret that there are more hunters than there are warlocks and titans, but it does disappoint me when hunters are listened to more than the other classes, all because there are more of them.
Pls nerf. Too op. Stop
People that main hunturds are whiny little shits
It's because of the lack of respect Hunters give towards others within this community hence why your reputation has dropped so low. I'm not saying every Hunter is an assh*le, but literally, the mass majority of you are. The Community has pride for their Titans and Warlocks, yet the Hunters brag about nothing but their "skill", what they've achieved, what Gear they have, and demand that if you do not have a certain weapon or piece of gear, then your skill doesn't count for anything. Most Hunters have the mindset of an anti-social Teenager whom believes the world of Destiny revolves around them and only them. Now, I will say this, I have many friends who main Hunters, and they're some of the best people I've ever met in online gaming. Therefore there are only a handful of Hunters that actually have a sense of respect and consideration for their team. I thank them for that. Reminder: This has nothing to do with the fact that I do not have a Hunter nor the amount of experience I have with the game. This is about personality.
Why are hunters hated? I'd say that's due to a large part of Destiny players maining hunters and with a lot of people comes a lot of idiots and douche bags. The most popular class will almost always be the most hated.
Edited by Dead General X: 12/8/2015 11:26:26 AMIt's mostly the Hunters who have been whining non-stop abut Titans. Don't rope us Warlock mains into your whiny activities. Thanks ^-^ [i]~ The Warlocks[/i]
I don't hate hunters, I just hate the ones that scream nurf way to much
The majority of hunters I have met are elitists.
You see a lot of hunters a very rude. All around toxic to be around..now its not all hunters its just that some are. Hunters can sometimes be unreasonable (not to say warlocks or titans are always reasonable).
Enjoy it. Run it in their faces like I do in PvP.
Edited by ItsJackAttack: 12/8/2015 12:18:17 PMMaybe your post would be more effective if you used actual facts instead of biased opinions. The only truth I see here is when you say Hunters and Warlocks whine for a few months, but they always whine. You're whining right now...
Titans are taken!! Think about it, they got so drunken by their new power, that they turned against their own. Just like the taken, who are controlled by an evil spell that makes them attack their own...
Idk why titans are the fastest considering they are the tank class, Ill never see the logic
Hunters just have a crap jump
They just hate us, because they ain't us.
I hate hunters and warlocks because of blink. Think how any kills people get and have got just because of blink. I bet it far outweighs the kills sunbreakers get.
*Swishes cape* They just hate us 'cuz they aint us!
Actually they are nerfing hos because of the whining. They actually have no statistics to prove it should be nerfed. Yeah it has the highest kd out of the Titan subclasses but hunter has a subclass with a higher kd than the other subclasses same for warlock. So are they going to nerf those classes to? Statistically proven it shouldn't be nerfed, but of course you have all the whining and bitching so they nerf it more than it should be. When you try to prove a point you show all statistics you don't pic and choose. Notice how they only picked 3 game modes to pull the kd from. As far as the nerfing went It should've just been brought down 5% damage resistance in super. They nerfed everything else because of the whining and complaining by everyone. So guys why can't you grow up? If you can't go play Barbie with paper dolls and I hope you get a paper cut. -Boogeyman out
Warlocks are for people who can't stay alive Titans are for people who can't win 1v1 situations
Because: http://i.imgur.com/qeGvms0.jpg
The hate is real... "They hate us 'cause they anus... Anus?"
I totally agree, you are a god hunter
I hate how warlock and Titans are completely innocent. Sure everyone hates nerf callers but it not just hunters it all classes.
Hunters often make stupid Nerf posts. A lot of stupid hunters make stupid posts that give hunters a bad rep
Remember when people complained about blade dancer in year 1? Now people are asking to buff it lol. Hunters are going to get hate no matter what they do.