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Edited by Zanithos: 12/6/2015 9:46:10 AM

Whoa whoa whoa, hold up! Tess Everis is RNG now?

Alright, so I just got done reading through the December update in it's entirety. For the most part, if was what I expected. Sunbreakers are getting nerfed, challenge mode is a thing, and Tess Everis is going to sell her emotes in bundles that are not as "predictable" as buying them up front. Wait, what was that last part again? [quote]Before we go, here’s a final shopping tip: If you see something you like on the Eververse store – something you’ve been meaning to pick up any day now – this is a good time to grab it. The December Update will refresh the inventory available from Tess. She’ll put the stuff you see now in some bags you can still acquire with some Silver, but their contents will be less direct and predictable.[/quote] So basically what you're saying is that we'll still be giving you actual, real-life money for items, but we won't even be able to know what we're buying until after the transaction is complete. Is this seriously going to be a thing? Did Bungie see how well 343i did by selling REQ Packs in Halo 5, and now wants a piece for themselves? Now, this could all just be a case of terribly unclear wording (which has happened before), and maybe the emotes come bundled together in groups instead (I.e.: emotions, sports, reactions, etc...), which I would honestly be fine with, as long as the price stays relatively low. However, from the way it was worded, it totally sounds like after the update I could be handing Bungie anywhere from $5-$20 and getting the exact same emotes I've already acquired (or none at all), which is totally not okay. Seriously though, if someone from Bungie could reply to this and let us all know what exactly is happening, that would be great. As a Destiny fan since launch, and someone who has purchased emotes in the past (and would like to continue to do so going forwards), I would like to know the full details of how the new system will work [i]before[/i] it is implemented, not after it's too late. Best regards, -Z [u][b]Edit:[/b][/u] After reading some replies, I have three new questions: 1: When buying these RNG Eververse packs, is there a possibility of getting duplicate emotes, or will they 100% be ones you don't already own? 2: Will there be new emotes available? 3: Will the refund system still be a thing? [b][u]Edit 2:[/u][/b] Just got off work, and wow, this is trending. Looks like a few more people than just me have the same questions. :P That being said, the general consensus of commenters is that there will be new emotes come December, which will be directly purchasable, while only the old ones will become RNG. While it wasn't really mentioned in the update, I can find that pretty easy to believe, but until I hear directly from Bungie, I have no idea whether it's true or not. Regardless of the theorised "new stock" at Eververse, the fact that the old Emotes seem to be going RNG is still far from ideal. As one commenter put it: [quote]I don't order a pizza HOPING to get the one I want. I order a pizza the way I want it. So with this RNG.. If I'm buying with real money, I want what I want... Not some random purchase. Just sayin..[/quote] [b][u]Edit 3:[/u][/b] After reading [i]even more[/i] comments, someone has brought up the possibility of the old emotes working like the Eva Levante's emblems and shaders, which are directly purchasable, but change from time to time. While this is better than "bags" (whatever that means), the current system works just fine, so I fail to see why they couldn't just add another page to the Eververse store, similar to how the vault and kiosks work. Unless we get detailed feedback from Bungie saying otherwise, we're forced to assume that the old emotes will be sold in bags similar to the Festival Of The Lost loot bags, but only for actual money, which really doesn't make me feel any better about this. [u][b]Edit 4:[/b][/u] So another day has gone by, and guess what? We have sparrow racing! Isn't that great? They even announced the microtransactions already! Prepare your wallets guardians, looks like we're in for another Festival Of The Lost style event, complete with limited-time gear that provides no benefit, is most likely RNG-based, and therfore costs more than the game itself to acquire one item you really want, if you're lucky. I'm honestly done trying to get a reply at this point, so this will be my final edit. My only advice to you is to spread the word, and whatever you do, don't buy any RNG microtransactions from Tess. Maybe if we make our opinion known with our wallets, the RNG element will cease being a thing. Probably not, but we can hope, right?

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  • F*cking RNG taken to the extreme. I'm telling you, Bungie and their love for this rng structured gaming will be the death of Destiny.

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    1 Reply
    • I can't understand why anyone would buy this crap anyways. Idiots

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    • Wow...what type and endless amount of drugs would have to be pumped into my system for me to spend real money on a fukn emote. And then to make it RNG? Holee fuk you Desticles are stupid if you by this crap.

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    • I agree with those who have said that she is going to get a new stock of emotes that sell just like the current ones and the old ones are going to be available in some kind of grab bag type situation. And yeah, they are trying to make money, as they should - that's what businesses do. If you don't dig it, don't pay, it's not going to ruin or kill anything and you all overreact to all the things.

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      1 Reply
      • Jesus Christ dude, what a thing to complain about. They let you know in advance that the stock is going away so you can buy what you want.

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      • This is what you get. All you folks willing to fork over cash for cosmetics? This is exactly what you deserve. Hilarious.

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      • Easy solution: boycott the c***.

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      • Yep. A new stock of emotes and packages for the old ones.

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      • That's a lot of words for "I'm a teenage girl on my period"

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        9 Replies
        • Bungie: Shit, they stopped playing and arent even buying emotes anymore.. SHIT (Luke Smith kicks in the door with his rogaine in hand) Luke: Let me PR this for you guys. Bungie: Oh Luksie Smithsy we dont have your audacity and igorance, but we're working on it buddy! (Luke spreads rogaine on his scalp and sets up his stand to relay information to the public) Luke: Hey guys. We need you to play actively and ignore how irresponsibly responsive we are. So we decided to make Tess sell certain things some days and other things other days, IF youre lucky. Cause, we just just dont have any good ideas on how to keep people playing our game. (Luke Smith steps down and walks into DeeJ's office) Luke: Make a weekly update talking about like one or two things this week again but please, by all means, relax and enjoy yourself for the other 6 days you work here and no one hears from you.

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          10 Replies
          • War. War never changes. In the year 1945, my great-great grandfather, serving in the army, wondered when he'd get to go home to his wife and the son he'd never seen. He got his wish when the US ended World War II by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The World awaited Armageddon; instead, something miraculous happened. We began to use atomic energy not as a weapon, but as a nearly limitless source of power. People enjoyed luxuries once thought the realm of science fiction. Domestic robots, fusion-powered cars, portable computers. But then, in the 21st century, people awoke from the American dream. Years of consumption lead to shortages of every major resource. The entire world unraveled. Peace became a distant memory. It is now the year 2077. We stand on the brink of total war, and I am afraid. For myself, for my wife, for my infant son - because if my time in the army taught me one thing: it's that war, war never changes.

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            10 Replies
            • A lot of the people complaining probably use their parent's money anyway

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            • I want the option to pay with rng. If the price is 500 silver for an emote bag, I will only have to pay a lower, random, disappointing amount over and over until bungie gets lucky and gets the full, usable amount from me.

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            • More money from gaining nithing , whole destiny its this way.You want gear do farm 1000 h to get one and with new update we will give better in shop ,you want skullface mask pay us for hard work! Now stupid dances will cost you more then whole game with chance to get them for sure low chance, bungie dont you think its time you hit your head into wall with 10 year plan with destiny?? Its begining of second year and this game is dead ,more and more people quit cus of simply boring,not rewarding ,99% grind without fun game mostly with crying over everything kids playing hunter especially hunters, im done with da game... until destiny 2 will be not open world mmorpg with real quests,missions lot of gear,weapons, and lot of fun you bungie gonna die soon , and its already stared period.

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              7 Replies
              • Ok so had you [i]actually -blam!-ing read it[/i] then you'd know that it's only for the emotes we have [b]now[/b] not everything she's going to be selling, and that we'll be getting new emotes.

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              • Can you link to the update notes u out are talking about. Can't locate it for anything.

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              • I bet refund yes and there is going to be new emotes

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              • Re: tess. Sounds like it could be illegal in the UK. Pends how they play it.

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                19 Replies
                • Edited by TechRonin: 12/4/2015 2:44:27 PM
                  Love how speculation runs rampant. What ever happened to "wait and see"?

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                • I look at people who buy this kind of stuff as idiots anyway.

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                • You guys actually buy those things?

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                • Of course, who isn't now?

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                • I would also like these questions answered, Bungie's crossed the line behind the other few lines they've crossed if they expect people to pay for 'a chance at getting stuff' which is almost legalized gambling

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                • They saw the gold when people chased the blue flame skull. This is the next step in that. I enjoy playing the game but everything feels designed to squeeze every last penny out of players and not provide them with a value. I'm really close to saying the hell with it and going back to PC games.

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                  5 Replies
                  • It will be like 200 silver for a random emote

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