It isn't. GG can easily take out HOS if the hunter isn't completely incompetent.
If both players are equally skilled, hammer would obviously win. GG takes two shots to kill a hammer, no tracking, and has no overshield, aoe damage, or health regen. Hammer takes one shot to kill I think everything, but maybe not another sunbreaker, im not sure about that, has a huge overshield, has aoe damage, tracking, and health regen. If youre saying people who play as titans are just generally less skilled, thats your opinion. I have a couple friends that main titan who are pretty good, so I cant really agree with you on that.
Hammer fires slower. GG can fire 2 shots in the time it takes to throw one hammer. Just jump and shoot twice whilst in the air. I have'n't lost against a hammer yet when using gg. The only exception will be a narrow hallway which doesn't allow jumping