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12/3/2015 4:25:26 PM
Other than the jump from year one to year two, they accomplished this though... Now when you get a favorite gun, you can keep it on par with new guns via infusion. They also accomplished this in year one via Etheric Light. Not sure why the complaining.... Yes, they had one instance of rendering old gear obsolete, but it was to usher in a whole new system.

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  • People are complaining because they were lied to, no matter how you try to spin it.

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  • When were they lied to?

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  • Read the OP.

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  • "In the months to come, your quest to become more powerful will have more avenues that lead to satisfaction" They made etheric light, so how was that a lie?

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  • The problem is though, I'd wager the majority of peoples favourite guns are earned very early on in ttk. Hung jury, the direct vendor version is essentially the perfect perk roll for that weapon. 1000 stare, earned after a few simple quest lines, ToM, which i guess doesnt count as its so situational, is essentially yours after your first raid and a small amount of farming. Then you have quillims and smite of merain. Im not saying they're everybodies favourite choices but for a huge percentage of the community they are. Then what? Everything you get after that is just gonna be straight up infused into what you have, and for what? Once you get to 314 it doesnt really matter anymore. The excitement of new gear vanishes very fast in TTK, and thats not a good thing for a loot driven game.

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  • A whole new system? You mean the one with reskinned items from y1?

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  • One problem. There is no favourite gun. They're all either average or bad.

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  • As paying customers who've earned our gear, it is totally wrong for bungie top take it away. Yes, they screwed up, that's on them, why are we punished? They have testing groups and engineers for a reason. I refuse to pay to be a beta tester. People like you are why the industry is going down. You're quite happy to pay for crap.

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  • you paid for the experience of playing destiny. you didn't pay for your gear. hell, i would hesitate to say you even earned it, what with how rng works. punished? i think you need to look up the definition of this word and realize this is a game people like you are the reason this community sucks

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  • Says the person who apparently can't master simple grammar rules... I'm pointing out why destiny is dying. We were lied to. Customers don't like that and leave. People like you allow companies to get away with this. They get lazier and lazier knowing they only have to satisfy the ignorant masses who will still pay for crap games. I mean surely, such an educated person who can't be bothered to write like an educated adult wouldn't pay money for terrible products, right?

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  • You comment needlessly on anothers grammar because you have no actual reply to my post, and you have a grammatical error yourself in the response.. Good god, you must be a terrible person irl. Here's an idea. Eat shit and get a different hobby. I am quite content where I am. I have no paranoid delusions of a game company out to fleece me. Sweet dreams darling.

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  • Edited by Demagogue: 12/4/2015 3:45:23 AM
    But... He did have an actual reply to the post... You responded with flame because YOU are the one with no actual reply...

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  • Edited by SpaceMarine8584: 12/4/2015 2:44:20 AM
    Here's a tip champ: if you're trying to convince others you're right, then act like a rational adult. Writing in all lowercase and telling others to "eat sh#t" just makes you look like an immature kid, or worse yet, an immature adult who comes across as a kid. If you're going to present yourself like an immature kid, don't be surprised when you're treated like one. Totally destroys your credibility, no matter whether you're right or wrong.

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  • Having the mindset of "this company is out to get me" is anything but rational. You're not in any position to talk about "rational".

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  • [quote]Other than the jump from year one to year two[/quote]Thats a pretty big "other than". An entire years worth of effort was made obsolete.

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  • [quote][quote]Other than the jump from year one to year two[/quote]Thats a pretty big "other than". An entire years worth of effort was made obsolete.[/quote] But with good reason. They're ushering in an entirely new system of upgrading things and doing away with some old styles such as legendary elemental primaries. Plus, many exotics are being made into year two versions anyway, with the ability to buy ones you've discovered off the blueprint kiosk. It's an inconvenience, but I'd easily say it's for the greater good and it hardly shows Bungie as a company that goes around rendering everything obsolete constantly. Again, all year 1 weapons/armor you liked could be made relevant, and all year two items currently can as well. That's a lot more flexibility than the OP implies.

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  • Lmao this guy Will you be saying the same thing when Bungie introduces another system?

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  • So what? They still trashed a year's worth of content. If they wanted to, they could have worked around it, but no. Just watch, the same thing will happen in a year's time.

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  • Funniest thing I've heard all day.

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  • The greater good... Hahahahaha that was very, very entertaining!

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  • Edited by The Truth 34: 12/3/2015 10:35:35 PM
    Grindelwald for the greater good haha

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  • [quote]Now when you get a favorite gun, you can keep it on par with new guns via infusion.[/quote] Only if you get infusion material. Which the game is very very stingy with. Plus now you have to worry each month if someone cries about it, it will be rendered useless and all of your time and resources spent ranking it up was all a waste.

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  • [quote]Only if you get infusion material. Which the game is very very stingy with. Plus now you have to worry each month if someone cries about it, it will be rendered useless and all of your time and resources spent ranking it up was all a waste.[/quote] If you don't get a weapon/piece of armor to infuse with, then your current gun is still the best you have and therefore not obsolete. And if a weapon is nerfed, it's usually to balance the sandbox. No one gun should be a panacea, or useful outside its intended range.

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  • Edited by turbtators: 12/4/2015 1:58:07 AM
    Actually bungie does the opposite of balance. They see a weapon that is used to much and they nerf it to the point that no one will use them. Through this process they make another weapon far superior than the rest and they nerf that weapon to the ground. So you're actually incorrect about their Intended purpose of balancing the sandbox.

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  • [quote]And if a weapon is nerfed, it's usually to balance the sandbox. No one gun should be a panacea, or useful outside its intended range.[/quote] Very true and Bungie should actually test things before putting them out there and wasting player's time. In TTK, what was the number one shotgun problem in PvP. The very shotgun Bungie gave you early on as a story line reward. Why in the world would they put the most OP shotgun perks on it? That was setting everything up for failure from the get go. Bungie themselves created the Pulse Rifle meta, as "all weapons deserve their time". But now, the meta will rotate and all the work you put into you favorite pulse will get pissed down the toilet so that scouts can shine. Then a month later scouts will be OP and Hand Cannons will need a comeback. In the meantime, once your weapon is made obsolete, using it to infuse something else to keep ip will cost you at least 20% or more and drop your light level. Because of the stupid way they use light level. It is worse than it ever was. Yep, they don't want to waste your time.

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