Reminds me of the Meth Head that was breaking up his bathroom tiles and grinding them down to snort.
Hahaha couldn't say it better myself.
Best analogy for Destiny is this^
How the hell does that work?
Just tried to shed some fun on the forums, its not like this took too long to make, like 10 min max.
Not you, I mean it's sad this is what this game has come to. There's just nothing to do.
Right! Its pretty sad actually, I really like this game.
PoE should have been a built in, well done scaling horde mode with good rewards, not whatever lame crap they went with. Shit, even titanfall has a horde mode and its stupid fun.
There's nothing else to do after a year. This seems fun especially with a fire team
There was nothing to do after 2 weeks, besides time gated shit....
Sad man confirmed