As a year one Titan player I never stepped in PVP. Because we were so underpowered it was horrible. Now you are on the other end and think it should be changed. Suck it up we did!
yea i really don't know what you're talking about... Back when i only had a hunter i used to get bodied by titans and hated them for it. Then they peaked my interest and i made one, I went into ib only for some gear on my titan and i completely wrecked effortlessly. Plus they tanked gg shots so how in da hell were they underpowered???
Are you high? Shoulder Charge Fist of Panic Titans had no problems in yr1
That's only good in cc area.
no it's not you had death from above so you could travel great distances, and i had my friend kill a whole team in trials across the map... so yea pipe down.
You never stepped into pvp because you were/are trash. Not because you believed titans were underpowered