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12/2/2015 7:47:07 AM
Fanboys are like "ha ha u r salty child" I'm thinking most of the people who are insulting you like this are salty children who have no idea what the value of the dollar is.the amount spent on this came so far would allow me to buy 2 other games. I could have Xenoblade X which no doubt has a much better story about humanity trying to survive in a dark universe then this game, and and I could have purchased metal gear solid V. But I thought I would stick with Bungie. I thought they would make a great game, and listen very closely. It's so hard to not feel ignored it took Bungie months to respond to the new raid's grind problem after they promised no more grind; raid weapons are week and despite all the complaining Bungie has made no move to fix the raid weapons; most of the exotics are very underpowered being outperformed by legendary and even rare gear in some cases; Said no more weapons would be rendered obsolete before they rendered all year 1 weapons obsolete; we wait as months roll by before they finally talk about how pulse rifles rule the crucible. It just feels like there are so many problems and it gets annoying when people try to excuse it. "Oh they can't reduce the grind because then you would run out of content" "We don't want another VoC or Fatebringer in the game, so raid weapons have to be useless and pitiful" "exotics are meant to be good only for very specific situations none of them should be buffed" "Bungie's Deej and Cozmo shouldn't respond to the top rated posts asking for fixes or alterations to the game for the better, it's not like they're paid to do that as community managers or something" "Bungie needs the microtransactions, even after we've all each given them $200 AUD, they need it to fund a live team." "Bungie shouldn't need to bring year 1 content to year 2, don't you know how hard it is to adjust the levels of the enemies? They would need to use that microtransaction money that is meant for the live team" "It's just a game, chill. I know you spent $200, was lied too, given false expectations, lied too again, continuously ignored, and you think the game isn't fun, but it's just a game." And don't get me started on the ad hominem attacks. People just throw an insult at the critics thinking they won the argument " you are salty/child/entitled/crap/poor/bad/whining/cranky therefore your argument means nothing" Bungie said that this raid had been built then scaled back for normal mode. People thought that content had been cut out and that challenge mode would be longer, fun, and challenging. They had their hopes raised for a challenging extra long raid by Bungie. People saying your entitled when you criticise the game for missing things that Bungie promised, could you imagine how insane these people would sound in any other business. Imagine a horrible future where all criticism is stifled for those who complain are simply told their acting entitled. "My car only lasted 3 months when you had a warranty for 4 years, can I get a replacement?" "OMG you are acting SO entitled now, go away!" "I was promised an dark action movie with a 2 hour running time, and instead got a poorly made light-hearted comedy that only runs for half an hour and the rest of the running time was ads." "You are entitled, leave and never return" "This computer I bought from you has 4 GB of RAM when you promised 16GB, has a 2 core CPU when you promised 6, I want my money back" "Don't act so entitled, we don't have owe you anything!"

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