You're the one crying.
I play the game as it is, not how I think it SHOULD be.
Yep, Golden Gun is such a solid super no matter how you set it up that I couldn't compete very well without setting up HoS in a very specific way.
That's really more of an argument for nerfing Golden Gun... lol...
Buttt HoS is one of two supers that regen health with every kill. The other one surprise surprise is on the hunter and takes two hits to kill a titan with active HoS. Just like golden gun does. Which I'd be fine with if I didn't only have three shots. Hearing that hammer clang shouldn't send me running away. No super ever has It should compel me to save my team and neutralize the threat. But bungie and its crybaby titans from year one who were begging for a good super cause apparently FoH isn't good enough got what makes them the most op class. And that's unfair
Waaaaaaaa... So you hear a Golden Gun pop and you jump out of cover immediately to try to kill him? Or do you run around a corner and try to wait it out? Go ahead, lie about that.
I personally haven't seen anyone rush as hard as a sunbreaker does when supercharged with a ranged weapon. Arc blade and stormcaller and FoH don't count obviously.