Is it just poor luck on my side or some of you are also getting and obscene amount of ghost shells (albeit around the 300s) when turning in Shaxx's weekly?
I don't think I've received any legendary gear besides ghost and a few exotics. (VERY happy about this Monte Carlo I got)
I'm not complaining hahah! The bounty conpleted the moment I got it.
I've had a few ghosts, but I've had some decent stuff to. Whatever I get it doesn't bother me really because I'm going to play crucible anyway so why would I not do them. If you play pvp regular then whatever you get if you do them, it's something even if it just ends up 3 marks.
i love doing those bounties. have gotten some really good stuff. Party Crasher with Battle runner (my absilute favourite shotgun perk) and a few exotics. however i also gotten a few ghosts and other shit. but no worries guys, eventually you will get good stuff. you can't always get the best rewards.
I got a 310 Knucklehead last week!
What's shaxxs weekly? How do. You get ?
I'd take that over nothing. Did my weekly quest and got nothing....absolutely nothing. Went to orbit, checked postmaster, logged out, closed the game.....nothing.
Reading these comments I'm so glad I sold this game
I got: 17 strange coins Ash Factory
Stopped doing them after I got 6 ghosts in a row
For some reason ghost drops now seem to make up 50% of my NF and PvP NF rewards, with about another 20% being a class item. May get a legendary item - but not very often..... I thought there was 'smart loot changes' where is analyses your gear and grants rewards appropriately - I have a 320 ghost....
got a 304 spare change this week on my warlock
- We are not alone
19 strange coins this week. And last week.
It's been rubbish for me the past couple of weeks, I was getting 300+ drops when turning it in , today I got a 290 ghost. Next two characters we'll see.
Edited by Flintkid810 : 12/2/2015 12:47:28 AMDid all 3 last week and got 3 -blam!-ing ghost shells! So -blam!-ing stupid. Like how is that even possible. I will add I've gotten plenty of good rewards before.
Not just on bounties. I've had 8 300+ ghosts from ib and hm kf
I've got nothing on my hunter this week, working on my other two It might just be bad luck lol