I am so done with being instantly sniper everywhere in the map. I have over 150 friends who I play destiny with and we are officially going to quit unless sniper glare, sway, and breath holding is enabled. This game should be more realistic and that's that. They are making shotguns realistic by nerfing their range to an arms length which is how they always should have been. Hurry and nerf the snipers so everything can be more realistic and on an even playing ground.
150 friends and they all play destiny? Wow pretty popular. Some of them are lying though if that's even true, the 150 part. There is a post in the forums somewhere from a guy ranked top 200. He explains snipers and what aim assist really is and bullet magnetism, if you find it, I recommend you read it, it's a good read. Also there is an ironic post out there about nerfing snipers and it's a video. Watch that video. If snipers need a nerf there is really only 1 that I think they need and that's probably that you should be knocked out of scope if you're getting shot. Everything else is fine. But if you do that with snipers, you kind of have to do it with every type of weapon if we're talking about being "realistic" where people throw flame hammers, activate chidori, dudes pull out bows that tether things... you get where I'm going here. Like 20 people have probably already said in reply to this.