So I had turned in all the failed Rasputin fusion rifle parts and it would seem that everyone that did this got the quest.... Except for me. I'm lost do you have to turn them all in at once or is the quest just gonna show up one day? Please help..
Once you have handed four Dvalin in to the gunsmith the next step is a mission on Earth called "First Firewall". So keep checking for it each day. HOWEVER note it is very rare. So far in all the time since TTK started it has only appeared twice. It must be getting on for a month since it last appeared so it is probably due quite soon. There may be no pattern to it but the last time it appeared was a Satruday so it might be a Saturday when it appears. To be honest, at this stage, I don't know why Bungie are time gating this so sparingly. Everyone who really wanted one probably already got it in the first or second go so I don't see why they wouldn't simply make the mission available all the time for those who have the four Dvalin or at least maybe once a week?
Thank you guys lol I'm less pissed now
Its been said alot but you just got to wait for it to appear on errf. The SS when leveled up its pretty strong rivaling sniper rifles on damage in the raid. Only problem is the low mag cap. You could do same damage per shot but get way more shots in per round with the black spindle. Though i did get the just looks cool ha
On the 7 of December is the next time it'll be back
You don't want it anyway it's a piece of shit gun that bungie likes to much
Wait till the seventh