Just comment here to find a team for [u]anything[/u] on Destiny.
[spoiler][b]Light 319 Hunter.
Light 314 Titan.
Light 311 Warlock.[/b][/spoiler]
[spoiler][b][i][u]I Am The Method[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]
[spoiler]• I'm back again with a new gamertag so feel free to send me invites.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]• Changed Gamertag.[/spoiler]
And that's pretty much it. [i]Find your team[/i], [u]have fun[/u], and [b]good luck.[/b]
Need 2 for nf. Gt is same as above.
Need 2 for nightfall message me for invt. Gt same as above
335 hosting Oryx cp, hard kingsfall raid. doing challenge mode and you must have a mic. If you meet my stringent requirements msg QbanLynx187 4 inv.
Need 2 for CoE
CoE need 2
Hosting Black spindle farm for ship Don't rage quit Need 2 experienced players Must know what to do Must be good and 315+ Message Llessurevil15 Xbox 360
looking for 2 to do poe 42 to clomplete 30 an 90, msg me gt same as ^
Need team for Coe for both 30k and 90k. No mic required, just kno what you're doing. Gt same spelled with two V V
Need two for a fresh hard raid, please know what your doing and please be 320 or higher message MarcTheSpazz on xbox live
335 hunter Need 2 for fresh run Kingsfall Hard + challenge 330+ for quickness ToM + spindle Gt above for INV
335 hunter Need 5 for fresh run Kingsfall Hard + challenge 330+ for quickness ToM + spindle Gt above for INV
Need 2 for coe mssg whippet6 for inv
kf hard warpriest
Need one for Poe lvl42 at msg ggiill831 for inv im a 334 hunter
[b][i][u]TRIALS OF OSIRS[/u][/i][/b] [b][i]GOING FLAWLESS.[/i][/b] Need One. [b]Requirements[/b] -Need a mic. -Call Out. -No KINECTs. -KD 1.5+ [b][i][u]CARRY YOUR OWN WAIGHT[/u][/i][/b] [u]Message me same gamertag as above will not respond to this!![/u]
335 Hunter available for trials
Need someone to help me carry a buddy. I've been flawless. He's good just has bad luck. Must have been flawless multiple times. Thx GT same don't suck balls!
334 titan, need 2 for trials flawless run, 325+ hold your own
Looking for two titans two hunters warpriest checkpoint Challenge Mode hard message gt AnD texas
Need 1 for trials msg TrIpLeX3000 for invite
Trials of Osiris Need 1 Must be a god at crucible!
Need 4 for fresh KF hard. Be 320+ and know what you're doing.
Looking for a KF hard fire team to join I need everything until golgoroth but I will help with everything after golgeroth Xbox 360 only 334 Titan GT:Noahe07
Need one for nightfall at boss fight msg ggiill831 for inv
Looking for a KF hard fire team to join I need everything until golgoroth but I will help with everything after golgeroth Xbox 360 only 334 Titan GT:Noahe07
Nf need 2