Let's be honest here. Year One was more fun than where we're at now because of the grind for that fricking helmet from VoG to reach level 30. Even through all of the rage of not getting my Fatebrigner for months after the game dropped. That's what brought me back in Year One. The grind to get that one last gun or armor piece to reach max level.
Nowadays, it's so easy to get a gun we want. We just rack up 150 marks and we are done. Bungie didn't lie to us here. Everyone thinks the game is lacking content. It isn't. there is more content than there was in Year One, but it's way too easy to get. I have no incentive to complete the Hard Raid just because I don't [i]need[/i] to. I sit fine at a 305 average for all three of my characters. I don't have to really grind for anything aside from Touch of Malice and my exotic sword.
I think Bungie is very close to getting RNG and time spent on the game balanced. VoG was a little extensive in how long it took to get gear, but that was way more fun because it gave me a reason to come back every week. Yes, there is still a raid to come back to every week, but, again, there's no incentive. I miss the grind for the legendary Fatebrigner. I haven't felt any of that so far in TTK.
The removal of elemental primaries did it for me Plus halo 5 But yeah it seems that both 343 and Bungie are not what they used to be (not that 343 was anything anyways)