Completed twice weekly crucible for nightfall tier reward and got 40 strange coins overall. You required to finish 5 bounties per character and getting 20 strange coins. Are you serious??? This reward doesn't worth the effort for this. crap.
Variks, get on the comms, what's it saying?
Weekly crucible/nightfall are roughly for people below 310 once you are above raid ib and lighthouse are the only way to get 310+ gear
Doesn't worth it? Do you even english bro?
it's not hard so i do it but so far i've gotten nothing that hasn't been dismantled and i don't think i've gotten anything over 300. And twice last week it was a crappy ghost that was way below my light or equipped ghosts.
It's super easy. Usually do it without even trying it just pick up the bounties and they are all finished after a few days of crucible.
Sounds like the best reward honestly if you're 310+. I got 2 290 something ghost shells...
Well Bungie stated they would give you NF level rewards and if the NF isn't worth doing why would you think the crucible ones would be.
Just don t do them. Their prety easy
What effort exactly? You simply play crucible and even with out trying ( bar actually picking a game to play) you get the bounties done. What exactly do you want? 320 gear? Simple answer tho, don't do them if there to much like hard work
Dunce-cap issued
Got 310 last word and truth in the last 2 weeks, so it's worth it. Don't expect to get good stuff every week