Bungie needs to do something about cheating in destiny. A while back they claimed that they were doing something about it, but it only seemed to be getting worse. Cheating and lag switching in destiny as of right now isn't a huge problem, but it's still an issue I think bungie needs to address. Post your opinions for everyone (and hopefully bungie) to see.
Bungie doesn't care anymore. Let's grabs real guns and kill these -blam!-s, maybe Bungie will care then?
Unfortunately you may actually get this post taken down because you're "name shaming" or some crap. Apparently if you show a video of someone doing something wrong and their name is seen you are cyber bullying them. Just so you aren't surprised when it happens, it's dumb but not much I can do about it.
I started a post earlier about forcing people into the crucible for an exotic quest but not addressing the rampant lag switching issue that makes the quest so hard (that and the fact you need a K/D of 2.0 or better to make any sort of progress). Bungie doesn't care; they only address the issues that make the game easier, in this case , it makes it harder and thus they don't care.
Git gud