I have nothing else to do right now so I thought I'd start this post.
Give your honest opinion on this subject, but try not being an asshole while giving it.
Cheap labor
You're made of plants. ???
I like my slaves how I like my coffee [spoiler]Free[/spoiler]
I live in the north. I know my sides.
Edited by The Worm Keeper: 12/1/2015 4:49:06 AMThe blacks were slaves for a reason [quote]lolololololol Butthurt rektos[/quote] Jk. Slavery wasn't really frowned upon then and still isn't frowned upon in some parts of the world. Slavery wasn't about buy people and owning them. Slavery was about conquering another people (in wars and such) and the winner made the losers their slave.
I think it's horrible but could be a very effective tool if used by governments wisely
Slavery helped build America and most of Europe. Slavery has always existed in one form or another, so when African tribes sold off opposing tribes and warriors to claim more land, it meshed great with the needs and demands of quickly growing countries. However, as we've grown, we've also outgrown it. Besides for the moral debate, who could honestly afford to feed such a working family? They'd have to be educated, at least in whatever industry you're attempted to use them in. You can hire someone and essentially make them the same. There's just no need for slavery anymore. Hell, if you look at China, we're currently funding the slavery of their own people (hello technology products). *shrugs* It's just another part of history.
Slavery= bad/wrong. And no one owes you anything If your ancestors were slaves get over it.
Glad its over. Sick of the nigs claiming they're enslaved though.
White privilege
The paid suck but the got free housing
Edited by hjkhdflkhf: 11/30/2015 4:00:42 AMWhite people will end up as slaves by the year 2150 White people are too nice. White people will be outbred White people wont be treated as nice as they treat others and they will end up as slaves
Idk I think it's messed up, but Romans and Greeks enslaved people and not because of their color so good for them for having slave equality.
It was messed up how the brought so many nigs over here and didn't take them back to Africa when they were finished using them. Why are they still here?
Boon to the economy. Morals are a human concept.
slavery? no. BDSM slave fantasy? maybe.
Slavery sure. Racism no.
Edited by Vic: 11/4/2017 4:25:38 AM
Just ask Tyrone in my backyard.
I want to be a slave
What else do i do with all my whips?
It's gone now so I leave it alone
First response... Bad. Second thought about enslaving Isis... Warming to idea, slaves could be useful...
It is a bad system, and a horrible way to treat people.