They didn't even make the game for ps2 or original Xbox owners. Unbelievable.
It's not in the app inconsiderate of hardcore phone mlg pros
Wonder how many cassettes it will take to load it on my Spectrum 128k
They didn't even make it for atari! :)
[i]You. Don't. Even. Under. Stand.[/i] I'm still waiting for my colecovision port. SCREW YOU GUARDIANS. IM GOING HOME.
Sooooo no laundromat arcade machines bungie?
They left out the Wii too...
Coming soon to Tiger VR... Wow, sold out already...
Gameboy man...Gameboy.
Where's my Atari 2600 version?
Came expecting b8 a/o rant. Was pleasantly disappointed.
Can't even play it on my nes or sega genesis /:(
I want destiny for NES
still no word on an N64 port? ):
Still waiting for the GameCube version...
I know :-(