Any others?? That's what the reply button is for
Gauntlet just dropped on ps+, so I'm going to play that for a while :)
I go back to my 360 and play mass effect or Skyrim or dragon age 2. So I've been playing a ton of 360 lol
I play witcher 3 here and there
Currently Halo 5 and Metal Gear
MLB 15: The Show About to play now
Diablo 3.
World of Tanks and Star Wars Battlefront. Been on WoT alot past couple of days because they just released the super sherman. But SWB just got its free DLC today.
Many others. Touched destiny for about an hour the other night, put it aside and haven't touched it since. Last time I played destiny before the other night was just before halo 5 launched so over a month ago.
[u] [/u]
Resident evil
Ingress, gets me outside lol
BF4, FO4, Madden 16, AC Unity, BO3, might pick up Battlefront since it's only $3 with tax and you get Metal Gear 5 for free with battlefront
I've been playing MW2 and Minecraft a little more, lately.
Got tired of destiny about a month ago
The Last of Us, Metal Gear Solid, but right now it's Bloodborne.
Dueling network or smash
Usually Saint's Row IV or some RTS games on my computer. Sometimes Halo.
Final Fantasies 8 and 9, Gran Turismo 5, Persona 3 on PSP. When I'm home it's Destiny but got Witcher3 and Diablo 3 last night so might mix either in with Destiny soon.
It's usually fallout but I've been playing a lot of pvz GW lately
Skyrim. Defiance. Random games to just have fun with.
League of legends all day I've stopped playing destiny due to the fact I've been stuck at 314 forever