Looking to go flawless?
Looking for squad to do a quick flawless run with. Im a great shot gunner, this map is perfect for it. should be an easy run if you know what you're doing.
must have gone flawless in year 2
add allday7710. let get this done
Flawless run. Need team. Have mic and carry My self. Send invite
Need one for fast flawless run Add BossRashE
Need 1 experience 310+ who can actually hold their own add vocab_420
Looking for a trials run, not worried about flawless just want to get the bounties done. PSN: chrisarcher
315 Hunter lookin for 2 to do some bounties and lets See how far we get... Add: AndreTheGreatest
Need 1 for trials, going flawless, must have positive k/d and mic. Add luckofthehobbi
Need two for flawless run. I average 1.3 kd and have gone flawless plenty times. Match my stats, add thomba-bomba and lets rip
Need 2 for Trials. Would love to go flawless but happy getting to 7 wins for gun drop. Please have a mic and be able to work together. Add Griefter.
Lf1 for farm coins
314 hunter for trials bounties
Need 2 good players for flawless run add:dzikooo
Need 2 1.7 K/D and up
303 Hunter with hawksaw 1.4 kd and shotty with a 304 Titan with hawkmoon and sniper with 1.3 kd Need 1 person to go flawless Leave k.d and PSN below and I will add to the party
Looking for 2 to complete bounties and for fun, no mic necessary. Add ducjr2001
Need 2 for bounties. No mic required. Add jbink and join.
315 hunter been flawless on all my characters anyone want to chill and just mess around? Or I can try hard but I'm going to try out my sniper skills (not very good) add me
Edited by WargenDruidous: 11/30/2015 7:20:21 PMWho's carrying? Psn WargenDruidous
Need 2 for trails psn Superhammermcc93
311 hunter looking to join a team I can hold my own add vocan_420
316 warlock with tons of flawless experience looking for 2 more that have been flawless before for a quick run. Psn: iSwiftyzx
Need one monster Post psn for invite
trying to be a third man. can pretty good at this. let me know please
Need 2 to go flawless. I have been flawless before. Add: Chi_Town_Reds10 and join
Looking to partner up with a good player to help people go to the lighthouse add vocba_420
Carrying people. First come, first serve. Psn - Boaby91x
Need 2 to go flawless. I have been flawless before. Add: Chi_Town_Reds10 and join