Tired of half-assed random fireteam invites, better to have (a) loyal Guardian(s) to team up with, who will save your Light from the claws of Hive while blowing up Cabal warlords with a rocket launcher in one hand and ripping through Vex juice boxes with a hand cannon in the other.
Have all classes at lvl40, Hunter at Light 294, Titan 263, Warlock 240
Add/msg me on Xbox Live, GT: LucidWaker (EU region, English and Dutch)
and use my referee URL:
any new referees on xb1 want some cool stuff, some help through some quests and teams to play with, hit up this link: https://www.bungie.net/en/ReferAFriend?code=RAF-LRY-YLP-VX9 been playing since day 1, beat all the raids, etc.