Collecting some information, just curious. [i]Post is open for discussion. [/i]
Just so it doesn't seem biased, I chose the last option.
[b]Wow! I went away from the forums for a few days, in turn I get over 50 replies. I will look through these and see what happens![/b]
Alot of mixed results as I expected, some good points in here, aswell as some saying they can't be compared. However in certain aspects they can.
I like them both.
Comparing fallout 4 to destiny is like comparing a house to a cardboard box. Even then a cardboard box is worth more than destiny.
Imagine destiny planets with big ass open spaces and tons of shit to explore like fallout.
If I could put destinys full fps experience and graphics into fallout #the wish
Love the depth of the story in fallout, but the gameplay itself isn't for me... clunky and slow... love the gameplay in Destiny but think the story and RNG itself have a ton to be desired. And the continued nerf/removing cycle of gear is underwhelming at the least.
Can't wait 2 see the executives of bungie look at this lol
Move this to gaming or off topic fallout has no place in feedback
I haven't played Destiny since Fallout 4 came out and I hate to say this (I really do), but I don't miss it. In F4 I can get home from work and just jump straight into what I want to do regardless of whether that's clearing an enemy stronghold, improving one of my settlements or just playing fetch with Dogmeat. In Destiny I would usually end up waiting for ages for enough people to be online to do a raid, only to get nothing by the time it was completed. Have to say Fallout 4 wins for me.
Am I the only one that heard about Fallout 4 and immediately thought it was gonna be shit? I've played every previous Fallout game extensively, I've played every Elder scrolls game and I'm -blam!-ing bored of them. Give me something new bethesda, give me a Fallout game that is a prequel to the post-apocalyptic trash you keep forcing on us. And for Elder Scrolls I almost want activision to buy bethesda so I can get a bethesda/blizzard collab, could you imagine how potentially great ESO would have been if blizzard could have helped make it, just their experience alone would have smoothed out a lot of the intial issues. For me Destiny is something new, something fresh I will never play Fallout 4 cause I don't have to I played Fallout 1,2,3 and nothing has changed.
Which do you guys like better; Apples or recycling?
___________________ This thread sucks, | | | | take it down | |__________________| (\__/) || (•_•) || / う||[/quote]
Apples or Lawn Furniture? Baseball or Lawn darts? You're comparing two games that have very little in common. Fallout for is a single player, open-world/sandbox RPG. Whose action is largely menu-driven, and what isn't is pretty clunky. Destiny is a MMO-FPS/RPG...that tends towards playing more as a loot-driven Action-RPG than anything like Fallout. If you want to compare Fallout to anything, compare it to Witcher 3 or Dragon Age. If you want to compare Destiny, compare it to Borderlands, Diablo 3, or DC Unvierse Online.
Spelled Dobby wrong
I flick between depending on what I feel like, fallout if I just wanna do whatever and make like a giant tower of just dog houses or somin. Destiny if I wanna play some pvp or do raid and like socialise.
I have switched to fallout as i prefer to play solo. You can prefer one game or the other, but they are not really comparable. Fallout is a strictly solo game and Destiny tilts toward pvp and coop.
Fallout = real storytelling, truly expansive open world, sensible loot & leveling system Destiny = incoherent story, tiny little rooms for "open" worlds, and completely random loot system that leaves players feeling disgruntled and disappointed Go Fallout!
I have never played fallout but are they not 2 totally different styles of games?
Fallout 4 is fun but definitely not a replacement of Destiny.
Here let me play this single player game by myself because I have no friends. Here let's play destiny with other people cuz I'm not a loser.
Bump fallout 4 wins for me.
Being that I'm from the house of black, I'm obviously choosing Dobbi.
I find when I'm playing either that I wish it had more of the other. Playing fallout makes me miss the silky smooth and highly polished graphics of Destiny. Playing Destiny makes me wish I could pick up that cool looking bucket and turn it into gear. Playing Fallout I find myself wishing that the non-VATS gunplay was a fun as Destiny. Playing Destiny I wish I had more quests to do. But either way I have fun playing them. Would be perfect for me if Bethesda would help Bungie along with their RPG elements.
Destiny - Co-op game. Fallout 4 - Solo game. -[i]The guy with no house.[/i]
I rather play with friends. AI teamates are dumb and boring.
Fallout 4, because i have played destiny only for pve only since day 1, now I can enjoy an open world and explore
I only choose destiny because I never played the fallout games...