You know that "one guy/girl" you wish you could brutalize the hell out of? You wish you could go into the game and rekt them for being evil or just a jerk, but you can't because the game stops you since they're "essential"? Post that character's name!
Also, you can post people who aren't actually in the game but responsible for something.
For example, I would kill the hell out of the guy who created Deathclaws in Fallout.
Huey from Metal Gear Solid V For everything he has done and his voice just pisses me off Baird from the Gears of War series I remember he was not even funny at all even though he tries to be (imo) and had just always annoyed the hell outta me Teemo from League of Legends No need for any explanation for this. That little sh*t has got to go. Lmao