originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Duvanix waits for Autumn and Alex his heart filled with joy after last night[spoiler]open to Autumn and Alex[/spoiler]
[quote]Duvanix waits for Autumn and Alex his heart filled with joy after last night's sexual endeavours [spoiler]open to Autumn and Alex[/spoiler][/quote]
Wow might I ask why you're still here, wasting you're life away
I'm here because this is f*cking hilarious. I'm not the one wasting my life away pretending to be some fictional sack of words and phrases.
Yeah but its not all I do YOU are here constantly don't you have a job or freinds
Edited by BIT5 AND PIECE5: 11/25/2015 12:51:07 PMI am here because I'm in a bus, on my way to see my friends, rather than live as a fictional character with my fictional non-existent friends.
Edited by A RARE SPYCRAB: 11/25/2015 12:59:23 PMIt is something called being bored as -blam!- with this games story, so I make a new one.... or at least thats my reason lol
[quote]It is something called being bored as -blam!- with this games story, so I make a new one.... or at least thats my reason lol[/quote] Then go and meet some REAL people. In the REAL world. Like normal REAL people would do.
[quote]It is something called being bored as -blam!- wi4h t th is games story, so I make a new one.... or at least thats my reason lol[/quote] Lost you at "wi4h".
Being tired as -blam!- doesn't help out spelling at all
Whatever you say, "duvanix".
Your status pretty much sums up why you're here.
I have that there cause I got nothing better to think of ya know what else it sums up? Your 0.7 k/d
Edited by BIT5 AND PIECE5: 11/25/2015 2:05:53 PMYou know what else sums you up? The fact that you had to look into my stats to come up with a feasible comeback. Not only that, it's completely unrelated to this topic. Yeah, you lost pal.
Lost what? I was just pointing it out you suck you're a troll with nothing better to do with your life other than to suck at games and trolling. I may have lost the argument but I won life unlike you. Also where are those freinds you talked about cause your still here wasting time. :)
I defend the spartan laser with my life! Come at me scrub
Hell yeah!
Edited by BIT5 AND PIECE5: 11/25/2015 2:20:28 PMIt's been over an hour? I'm back at home now. You're the one telling me you've won a life- but you're the one who wants to live a fictional life with "friends" that don't exist. I don't play games to be the best, I play them for fun. That statement has proved yourself wrong. You're playing to be the best. I have a life to deal with, and destiny is a good way for me and my friends to play together, and have fun. You're the one in the basement, trying to get the best KD. it's kinda hard to go positive with people like you around. Shotguns clearly make you the best, I see. And even with that broken weapon equipped, for a guy who frequents ToO, I would expect more from you. You're negative on all game types but clash, which you have scraped a 1.0 on, using a shotgun. [spoiler]see you around, shesmynerd.[/spoiler]
Edited by A RARE SPYCRAB: 11/25/2015 2:25:29 PMNope snipers do. I use that for light buff im in raid mode one 2 im only 14 so im just playing the game 3 I did win life im not freinds with them im bored of destiny and have nothing better to do destiny wise. sir you just need to be able to play the game to get good. Mabey then will you go flawless mister troll. Also in clash if you dont use a shotty mic shottyson you get killed by litterally EVERYTHING so its my only option.
Lmao you call somebody out, then get rekt, and do a complete 180. Good job >.>
Cheers mate!
Edited by BIT5 AND PIECE5: 11/25/2015 2:28:24 PM[quote]Nope snipers do. I use that for light buff im in raid mode one 2 im only 14 so im just playing the game 3 I did win life im not freinds with them im bored of destiny and have nothing better to do destiny wise. sir you just need to be able to play the game to get good. Mabey then will you go flawless mister troll[/quote] Maybe you should learn to spell, you illiterate child. If you're bored of destiny, go find something else to do. Something REAL to do. Yeah. REAL. The REAL world. Never heard of it? You should try it. You should take some english classes. Then maybe you'll learn to spell one day, pre-pubescent kid. See that over there? That's a comma. It makes it easier for people to understand what you're saying.
Edited by A RARE SPYCRAB: 11/25/2015 2:32:01 PM[quote]ten[/quote] I didnt know that was how to spell then. Wow my english teacher is lying to me. Telling me to spell, ha. Why does it sound like you're mad anyway? I thought you were the troll here you imature excuse for an adult. Oh and I did not see any mistakes in that. I do know what the real world is but I dont want destiny to die without a story
Edited by BIT5 AND PIECE5: 11/25/2015 2:33:41 PM[quote][quote]ten[/quote] I didnt knw that was how to spell ten. Wow my english teache is lying to me. Telling me to sell, ha. Why does it sond like you're mad anyway? I thought you were the toll here you imture excuse for an adult.[/quote] Yeah I can fake a quote too. Well done. Also, I'm not an adult either. I'm a literate human being, with more than half a brain.
Edited by BIT5 AND PIECE5: 11/25/2015 2:30:34 PMWhere did I say that?