I've personally never received negative messages, but how about you guys? Which was the worst?
Well I got a lot of hate mail in other games but I did get one on destiny back on year one before the dark below So it was control on shores of time and I was a defender Titan. This warlock and I were at each other's throats like almost every time. Near the end of the game my team was close to winning, I caught the warlock off guard and killed him. Next thing I knew I was getting damaged so I panic super to save myself. I turn around to find the warlock self rez'd right as I turn my back. I did the ol wave to the warlock in the safety of the thunder dome and my teammate b-lined him with the fusion rifle. After the game I got a message saying something along the lines of "bet you got to level 30 by cheating with your pussy bubble". Honestly I was flattered that I made someone so salty.