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11/20/2015 11:58:36 PM

Crucible metrics: In all seriousness Bungie, WTF!!

You are tuning everything else but how do you not fix this!! I'll post screen shots of my 4 hour ordeal. I'm a year one player and since March 2015, I've played daily. Every day. Check your logs for verification. Been play IB this week and I'm sure along with myself, this #community, and my team. We are done. You now have a refer a friend?? Why? So they too can say what the F!! You know how many friendships have ended because of Destiny? I'd like to see the metrics on that question. In short. Look and explain how the heck these drops are justifiable!! And for the love of God don't say "we are aware" and "RNG!" This along with the empty promises you've made to this community is why core players like myself are leaving your game. The amount of HOURS put into trying to acquire gear is stupid. And then contrary to your recent update, rewards like this contradict your patch notes. The question that I hear in game is, "Does bungie even play their own game to know, experience, and witness the BULLSH*T. I pay for high end internet to play games such as your, invest money into your game purchasing limited editions, DLC's as gifts for friends, only to be crapped on at the end of a match. 4hrs in IB and I get negative reinforcement and validation that maybe I should have never ever played again. Let's not mention the blatant abuse of lag switching! I have no clue how to even create a video game let alone code. I'm sure countless hours and sleepless nights, days, possible even weeks have passed to create and recreate this promising game. It's not just my time you have wasted, but the developers and any other artist who have had a hand in this game. In the end I can't tell you the amount of times I've experienced matches like this. Quietly not voicing my opinion and experience because we all knew and hoped for TTK to blow our minds! Either way like any red blooded american we vote with our dollars. I voted like a super pac with your company. Time to cut my losses like these ridiculous end game rewards. Not to mention that I contacted you 2 weeks ago while playing trials and experienced a Titan gain his or her super EVERY ROUND in ALL 3 subclasses!!!!!!!! By the time this really gets resolved, no one will be around playing your game because all the core players get shit on while the freshman get hooked up like royalty. #PISSED

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