Just wanted to let everyone know that today is the day to remember the victims of anti-trans violence.
[b]UPDATE[/b]: Tomorrow is [i]World AIDS Day[/i]!
Trans gender is gross
People who are different are always glorified, it's stupid [spoiler]ninja brutality is strong in this thread[/spoiler]
I'm not sure what to say. I have transgender friends, and their lives mean a lot to me. I will respectfully remember those that have lost their lives.
Edited by Spartan6056: 11/21/2015 2:27:50 PMWhere's a day for people comfortable in their body? Or is that "wrong" or "not right"?
So many ninja'd posts. Serves them right, those filthy, ignorant rednecks right wingers.
Kill it with fire
The what?
This is a really stupid day tbh.
Edited by Flamyng, Singer of Flames: 11/21/2015 9:03:46 PMThis K4M1K4ZE guy is.....interesting
They deserve it
Who cares honestly
Edited by Qwerty: 11/21/2015 3:10:29 AMRemember the victims of all violence. Its not important to be a special snowflake case, because it will mean less.
This is stupid
Why is this a thing?
How about we focus on the innocent people that died recently in mass instead of people that decided they didn't like their gender. K thx bye
Too bad I don't give a damn.
What's transphobia
Who cares?
That's good to know. Be careful though, the forums act like salty squeakers when you mention transgender people.
Edited by YerSpookyGrandad: 11/21/2015 7:24:23 PMSo what? I have a bigger, more important "Remembrance Day" coming up.
#offtopic is riddled with anti-human scum, it's only going to piss off a lot of it.
I literally only come in to these and the religion threads to mute the ignorant -blam!-ers.