The full game is 100% than the beta... Ur loss its an amazing game
"My loss"? No. See, my loss here is that the real Battlefront 3 was cancelled years ago, looked amazing and had planetary ship fighting and boarding mixed with ground gunplay. This? It's a clone of Battlefield with surprisingly less customization and power ups are tokens on the ground easily camped. If I wanted another plain ass shooter, I'd have bought COD again.
Even COD has way more features
Sadly. I'm more prone to buy COD, but I wont. Rented it on release to make a final decision after the beta, nothing new and went 30-6 my first game with a sniper.. was sad at the lack of actual competition and the stupid high Time To Kill
You want competition? Play halo 5 arena.
Ok. No console hate here.
Glad to hear Honestly I hope the rumors of a possible pc release for H5 is true.. would like to play it
Arena is brutal! Rank play only. War zone is a blast, and they just introduced big team battle. Would also love a pc version
Ever play halo 1 on pc? Was a great game. And the pc exclusive flamethrower madd me so happy..
No, but sounds like Good times!
Lol no i have 2500 hours into the battlefield series and this is nothing like battlefield trust me
Played battlefield since the first one extensively since I was a kid. Far over 2500 hours. The underlying gameplay styling is pretty much the same minus vehicles and the way the guns play Movement feels the same, same concepts and bullets travel opposed to hitscan like battlefield Primarily forces first person as non-hero third person is wonky and inaccurate Am I saying its an exact clone? No But Battlefront has always taken from Battlefield. This time just too much.
Hmm i see what your saying, to each there own i guess :D
Thanks for actually being an understanding human being